Help coping with stress

What is Stress and How Do I Manage It?

Stress is a NORMAL reaction the body has in response to change. It can show up for us physically, mentally, and emotionally.

What actually is stress?

Stress happens to everyone, and the body is designed to react to it! When you experience change or challenges (stressors), your body produces physical and mental responses that can look different for everyone. These reactions can be both good and bad.

Common positive reactions to stress can be increased productivity, motivation to make changes in habits or lifestyle, and sometimes even to better cognitive performance (do you do your best work when you're on a deadline?). On the flip side, when chronic stress — which is the bad type — dominates your thoughts day in and day out, it does a number on your body, sometimes causing anxiety, tiredness, high blood pressure, depression, or sleep issues.

Sometimes a change in perspective helps

Reframing negative thinking about stressful situations can help shift your perspective to feel more in control. For example: "I hate doing classes online and I'm going to fail all of them". Try reframing that to "Online classes aren't ideal, and I'm still able to learn a lot even though they're hard for me".

Although stress is normal and can’t be completely avoided, the trick is to be able to regulate, monitor and direct stress so that you are able to benefit from it rather than suffer from it.


Move yourself through it with some of these activities

Regular practice will help you calm yourself during stressful or anxious times, and to better manage your overall experience with stress.

Follow this video to help you slow down and reground. Do this breathing exercise anytime, anywhere!

Follow this video to tense and relax muscles in your body to release tension.

Follow this guided 18 minute body scan meditation to help you slow down and reground. This is a great practice to help you wind down for sleep.

Take a break!

Get outside and spend a few minutes away from your screen.

Move those issues out of your tissues! Try some easy to moderate exercise to relieve stress and anxiety.


Slow down and stretch. Great for anxiety and stress relief

Some guidance for free writing, and some prompts to help you get started.

Got a lot on your mind? Try this quick Thought Dump to clear some space.

People who practice self-compassion have fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety, and tend to be happier and more optimistic. Follow this quick meditation to practice.

Apps and Resources

MyLife App

Your emotions change. That’s why MyLife offers a personalized mindfulness solution tailored to how you’re feeling right now. Let MyLife™ recommend the activities that are right for you. Whether you’re anxious, sleepless, hopeful, angry, or anything in between, we’re here for you.

Click here to download the app for free on iTunes and Google Play.

Calm App

Meditation, reflection, and positive mental health practices on your phone!

Check out the free features available before subscribing. Kaiser Permanente members can also access a free annual membership right now - click here for more information.

Headspace App

Practice meditation and mindfulness to improve motivation, sleep, and overall wellness. Also check out the Headspace Netflix show!

Click here for Headspace for kids age 5-12

Beautiful Mood App

Use this app for a creative alternative to journaling. Fill in images with colors and notes about your day or how you're feeling. Watch for patterns the more you journal!

My3 - Find Your Support System

With MY3, you define your network and your plan to stay safe. With MY3 you can be prepared to help yourself and reach out to others when you are having thoughts of suicide.

Who are your 3? Is it your sister? Your therapist? Maybe even a neighbor down the street? Download MY3 to make sure that your 3 are there to help you when you need them most.

More Tips For Helping Yourself and Others Manage Their Stress

Coping with COVID: Transforming Chaos to Calm

Watch this pre-recorded webinar from AWest's school based JCMH mental health provider Mrs Stremel for strategies to cope with stress, burnout, anxiety, and isolation, particularly related to your experience during the pandemic.

Click here to access the recording, and use passcode: 05$9Htss

Seize the Awkward

Having a conversation about mental health might be uncomfortable, but it can make all the difference. Check out these tools – from conversation guides to tips –that can help you help those in need.

Need more support?

Sometimes our coping strategies aren't enough. Find someone at AWest to talk to, or check out what community resources are available near you.

Get help now

For help with any mental health, substance use or emotional concern, call Colorado Crisis Services at 844- 493-TALK (8255), text TALK to 38255, or use the website to chat with a counselor.

Our trained professionals provide free, immediate, and confidential help, 24/7/365. Everyone deserves someone who will listen and care, including you and your loved ones. Learn more at

Anonymously report anything that concerns or threatens you, your friends, your family or your community. This is NOT an emergency response line.

Call, online, or in app.

24/7, 365 days a year.