Teacher SEL

Teacher Self-Care and Personal SEL

Often times students don't realize until later in life what a big impact their teachers had on them and then it is too late to share it.

Take this video as a thank you from all the the students' lives you have touched who have not had the chance to say thank you.

"Learn simple practices that have been scientifically proven to reduce stress. Mindfulness, guided imagery, breathing, meditations, and more are provided on audio or video."

Here are some apps that the Employee Assistance Program reviewed and recommends to help track moods, reduce stress, and improve mindfulness.

Teacher Professional SEL Resources

Here is a link to a graphic of CDE Academic Standards of Comprehensive Health which includes many Social and Emotional Wellness markers.

Ways to be intentional and direct when complimenting students!


Free training series about trauma and resiliency in kids. Topics include:

  • What Does It Mean To Be Trauma Informed?
  • What Does Reaction To Trauma Look Like?
  • How Do I Help A Child That Has Experienced Trauma?
  • What Happens When Trauma Is Not Recognized and Dealt With?
JCMH Children and Trauma Series.pdf

Child Mind Institute has a variety of insights on learning, behavior, and classroom management techniques. Tips to help all kids succeed.

PBIS World

An awesome interactive website with a variety of different suggestions to respond to all of the different types of behaviors to the left at all three tier levels. There are data collection tools for behaviors as well.

Clicking this image will bring you to a website that discusses the fourth level of Maslow's Hierarchy and ways to support the development of self-concept/self-worth with students in your classroom.

Great resources for assessing your empathy towards students in the classroom. Download this guide and challenge yourself to see what ratio of positive to negative interactions you are having with your most difficult students.

Challenge yourself to improve your results and continue to monitor yourself through the year.

This is a video to remind us the power of taking a moment to show empathy to our students when they are having a hard time

This is a self-assessment that focuses on assessing the use of social and emotional competencies in classroom instruction. It also has questions to help you reflect on your scores and a link to resources to improve the score.
