Not just for parents…or baby pictures!

We work hard to make the yearbook meaningful for everyone. For seniors, the yearbook can be especially important as it commemorates their final year of high school. But, it can be something more…

Every year, the yearbook staff provides space to celebrate seniors’ accomplishments in a personalized way. Seniors and their parents can contribute photos and messages highlighting accomplishments and providing encouragement for the next step of their journey. 

We invite you to consider submitting a senior tribute to include in our yearbook. Please see below for information about deadlines and pricing.

Ready to buy an ad? Click on the banner and get started now!


In order to account for space on pages give the yearbook staff enough time to create your special senior tribute, we ask that all forms, materials and payment be received no later than October 18, 2023. Please note that space is limited, and once it is filled, we may not be able to include your tribute. For this reason, you are encouraged to place your order as soon as possible. 

All sales will be made through the Herff Jones Yearbook Order Center.

You have a choice! 

Create the tribute online using one of our templates (click here for a guide)


Create your own tribute and send it in


Senior Ads are not a requirement, but they are a fantastic option for you to reserve space in the book to commemorate achievements and celebrate accomplishments. Ads are sold at a variety of different sizes and prices:

Each size comes with options for the number of photos and amount of characters in the written message. Again, Senior Ads will be due at these price points by October 18, to allow the yearbook staff time to create the pages. 

You are able to submit digital or physical photos (we will scan them). Please keep in mind that photos have to follow the 300dpi requirement. 

Guides Submitting a Senior Ad

Click an option below for instructions on creating and submitting an ad.

For information or questions, please contact the Arvadan Yearbook adviser, Sergio Yanes ( or the Arvadan staff (

Thank you!