Get Involved Today

Fall Registration

Reach out to Mr. Villanueva if you would like to talk more at .

Teams have closed for Spring Registration, but we can organize a team with you for the 24-25 school year!


If you are not ready to play competitive yet, you are still welcome to our casual days every Wednesday after school from 4 - 5 PM. We have Nintendo Switches to play Smash and Mario Kart, and are looking to expand the games we play during this time. Come out to N134 after school to check it out!

We hope you can use the casual days as a way to get involved in competitive one day! If not, at least you have a group of people get to know at school!

We will be using PlayVS as our game management system. Through the students fee they will be granted access to the program and they will gain benefits based on the game they are playing. Through PlayVS you will link your account to the games we are playing. For the League of Legends players, each player will get all of the champions unlocked. For the Rocket League players, each player will receive a free copy of the game for PC. If you would like to learn more about PlayVS, check out this link.