Visual Arts Curriculum

Visual Arts Curriculum

Themes for the first trimester from Jeffco’s Visual Arts Curriculum:

1st Grade- Using Visual Vocabulary to Tell a Story

2nd Grade- Objects and the Still Life in Art

3rd Grade- Expressing Individual Ideas, Emotions and Feelings

4th Grade- Imagination, Invention and Abstraction

5th Grade- Visual Problem Solving: Design and Composition

Themes for the second trimester from Jeffco’s Visual Arts Curriculum:

1st Grade- Sequence and Patterns in Art

2nd Grade- Expressions and Emotions in Portraits

3rd Grade- Social and Cultural Functions of Arts: Honoring/Remembering/Teaching

4th Grade- Landscapes: Do artists always follow the rules?

5th Grade- Structure: Movement and the Human Form

Themes for the third trimester from Jeffco’s Visual Arts Curriculum:

1st Grade- Steps in Art Processes

2nd Grade- Land, Earth and Settings: Creating an Illusion of Space

3rd Grade- Practical Functions of Art: Architecture and Design

4th Grade- Aspects of Color

5th Grade- The Open Window or the Picture Plane: Exploring Value and Perspective