About Ms. Mitchell

4th Grade Math

We are using a new resourse this year called Illustrative Math. You can access your child's digital math work by logging on to the Imaginative Learning Classroom (ILC).

The mathematical work for grade 4 is partitioned into 9 units:

4th Grade Science

Science units include:

Science (and some math) assignments are posted on Google Classroom.

Be on the look out for STEM lab volunteer opportunities in your email!

I love traveling,


and my cat!

Hello! My name is Stephanie Mitchell. I was born and raised in Denver and still live there now. I graduated from CU Denver in 2009 with a degree in History. After that I went to Vietnam for 2 years to teach English with my sister. I came back to Denver in 2012 and received my teaching credential from Metro State in 2014. The 2023-2024 school year will be my seventh year at Ralston.

I love teaching at Ralston because of the wonderful students, families, and beautiful location. This will be my first year teaching 4th grade (After 8 years teaching 5th) and I am very excited to get to know my students and a new grade.Â