Transportation Forms

2022-2023 Parent Student Conduct Contract English (required): Click Here

2022-2023 Parent Student Conduct Contract Spanish (required): Click Here

2022-2023 Application For School Bus Pass English (required): Click Here

2022-2023 Application For School Bus Pass Spanish (required): Click Here

2022-2023 Application For School Bus Financial Assistance Spanish (optional): Click Here

2022-2023 Application For School Bus Financial Assistance (optional): Click Here

2022-2023 Transportation Student Handbook (English / Spanish)

2022-2023 Transportation Route A

2022-2023 Transportation Route B

Complete the fillable forms and email completed forms to

Only families that completed Part 1 AND Part 2 of the registration process are eligible to apply for a bus pass

There will be two lotteries held this year, the first will be June 6, 2022 (all paperwork must be turned in by June 1) and the second will be August 2, 2022 (all paperwork must be turned in by July 27). After each lottery drawing, the numbers will be posted outside the District Office and online by 4:00 pm that day. The District will be requiring half (1/2) of the Annual Reduced Price or Full Price within five (5) business days of the lottery drawing, if payments are not made, the lottery ticket will go back in for the second drawing.