Timber Ridge Elementary

Welcome to the Timber Ridge Continuous Learning Site!

Use the pages down the side to access your child's grade level page. In that page, you will find the continuous learning plan and all resources that accompany those plans.

Reach out to your child's teacher with any questions you may have.

Click here to access Timber Ridge Teachers' Office Hours Schedule

Click to access Timber Ridge's Class Meeting Schedule.

By choosing to access voluntary educational opportunities during the period of school closures related to the COVID-19 pandemic, you are agreeing to allow your student to participate in a recorded video conference session that may be shared with other students. Inherent in the use of this type of technology is the possibility that other outside parties, such as the parents of other students, may view or have access to your child’s participation in these videoconferences. In allowing your child to participate in these educational offerings and use a Web camera or call-in feature, you are agreeing to consent to the disclosure of your student’s participation in the videoconference to third parties. You may choose to participate by audio only or access the learning through the recorded link.