
Meet Mr. Hiatt

by Aidin D.

My name is Aidin Dubinovic and I am reporting a teacher interview for my newspaper report this spring. For this report, I interviewed my language arts teacher, Mr. Hiatt.

How long have you been teaching at Johnston?

I have been in Johnston since 2004 when Summit opened.

What’s your favorite part of teaching?

I love that it is something different every day and every hour. You have to make many decisions every hour.

What would you have been if you weren’t a language arts teacher?

If I wasn't a Language Arts teacher, I would probably have my own business.

What is your favorite unit of language arts to teach?

My favorite unit in Language Arts is the Informational Writing unit - Literary Analysis with the Companion book (unit we are just finishing up).

What are some difficult moments of being a teacher?

When students do not give their best effort and listen to feedback.

Is there any other subject you’d teach if language arts was somehow

not available?

I would love to teach journalism and social studies.

That is all for my interview. I had a great time interviewing him and I learned a lot of new stuff that I didn’t know about Mr. Hiatt. Mr. Hiatt is a great teacher and will definitely be one of my favorites as I go on to JMS and JHS. Thank you for listening to my newspaper report, I hope you learned a lot from this interview.

Murder on the 518 Play

by Carlin H.

Murder on the 518 is about everyone wanting to go to los angles and a death happens.

It starts out with everyone getting ready to board on the train and everyone is getting ready to do so. The characters in this play are: Jenifer, Derek, Avery, Sidney, Rachel, Caleb, Elliot, Mike, Holly, Lauren, Abby, Nelson, Owen, Jillian, Isabella and Lucy.

The Character Avery is holding some viles that haven’t been tested for heart failure. When everyone is on the train having a good time, suddenly Isabella falls to the ground and dies. No one knows why and how but then people start blaming each other and then Owen tries to call the cops but gets no service. Then dinner is planned to be in their own rooms. When one of the waiters tries to talk to Sidney he also falls and dies. Everyone is still shocked by Isabella and gets even more scared than even before. They try to find Sidney's Camera but can't and then they go to Elliot and they see he has recorded every thing and that not many people can be suspected and they notice that Jillian was the only one near both Sidney and Isabella and then Cops come over start asking questions and that’s when everyone realizes it was Jillian that poisoned Isabella and Sidney. She gets arrested and that’s the end of the story in a nutshell.

Meet Mrs. Scott

Since I am your favorite student I will dedicate myself to do this interview.

By Melvin D.

How many kids do you have in your family?

I have 5 kids. 4 boys and 1 girl

What’s your favorite movie/ book?

My favorite book series is Fabelhaven / Dragonwatch. My favorite movie depends on the day but Secondhand lions always makes me laugh.

Where is your favorite place to go to?

I love to go where there is water. A warm beach, a swimming pool (with warm water or really hot outside) and water parks.

Why did you want to become a pe teacher ?

I always knew I wanted to be a teacher, and PE is what I loved. I love hearing laughter and fun, and PE there is almost always those things.

What’s the most annoying thing your students have done?

Honestly, when they do not tell me why they are not swimming.

Why were you in the Guinness world records Book? And what year?

I have a Guinness book of world record for the most siblings to compete in a triathlon. I competed in it when I was 7 months pregnant. I beat 4 of my sisters. April 25th 2005