Planning for Learning
10:00 - 10:10 Responding to Our Learners
10:10 - 10:25 A Look into Claire's MFL Department
10:25 - 11:00 Aligning Assessment to Learning Outcomes and Assessment
11:00 - 11:20 Coffee Break
Responding to Our Learners
10:00 - 10:10
10 minutes
Consider how the MFL Planning Mat might be of support:
in your individual classroom practice
for you within your MFL department.
Our Team of Associates
We acknowledge the huge work and contributions made by our team of associates.
A Look into Claire's MFL Department
10:10 - 10:30
Claire Jéglot, JCT Associate, Firhouse ETSS.
How does Claire's context inform her planning for learning?
Share your ideas with the group.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment
Reflective Prompts:
How does this combination of learning outcomes develop receptive and productive language skills?
How are the learning outcomes reflected in the assessment?
How can this broad assessment support student learning in all languages within an MFL department?
Breakout Room
15 minutes
Examine the above excerpt from the unit of learning.
Discuss the reflective prompts.
Share your responses on the Google Slides.
Aligning Assessment to Learning Outcomes and Assessment
10:30 - 11:00
Louise Keane, JCT Associate, Malahide Community School.
5 minutes
How does Louise's context inform her planning for learning?
Share your ideas with the group.
Breakout Room
15 minutes
Discuss the intended learning within the selected learning outcomes.
With a focus on alignment, write the assessment that captures the intended learning.
Share your assessment on the
Google Slides.
Discuss and amend as necessary using a different colour, emboldening or underlining.
5 minutes
Consider the assessment from Louise's MFL department.
How does Louise's assessment capture the intended learning?
Reflection Moment
5 minutes
As you go through the day, you will be invited to reflect upon what you have encountered so far.
If you wish, use the prompts contained in the reflection guide.
Coffee Break
11:00 - 11:20