Session 3 Activities

IMPORTANT: For this activity we encourage the following:

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Activity: Deep Listening

Deep Listening explores the difference between the involuntary nature of hearing and the voluntary, selective nature of listening and it's value in the History classroom 

Instructions: Break Out Room for 15 mins

1) Share screen and sound

2) Read the prompt questions that accompany the two clips below

3) As a group, listen to the two audio clips

4) As you listen, and using the prompts, record with pen and paper or on your device, any comments, observations, questions or thoughts you have

5) Discuss your comments, thoughts, observations and questions with the other members of the group

6) Nominate one person to feed back to the main room 

Clip 1: Patrick Kielty  on Sunday with Miriam courtesy of RTE. 

Clip 2: Arlene Foster on the Late Late Show courtesy of RTE. 


Possible Questions for Students