Student Engagement:
Using Learning Outcomes
Session Outline
Energiser and 5WH Scaffold Strategy
Working with Texts
Reflecting on These Texts through the Lens of Learning Outcomes
Considering Samples of Work
Energiser and 5WH Scaffold Strategy
Working with Texts
- Complete the activity below
German Activity
Click on the link to reveal each text. Individually, consider each text and discuss with your MFL department what connects these three texts.
Italian Activity
Click on the link to reveal each text. Individually, consider each text and discuss with your MFL department what connects these three texts.
Spanish Activity
Click on the link to reveal each text. Individually, consider each text and discuss with your MFL department what connects these three texts.
Reflecting on These Texts through The Lens of Learning Outcomes
Considering the three texts you engaged with during the previous activity, what learning outcomes from strand 3 might we develop using these texts as a trio?
Strand 3: Socio-cultural knowledge and intercultural awareness
In this strand, students acquire cultural information about the target country/countries and are encouraged to compare other cultures to their own.
Click the arrow to view the learning outcomes
3.1 name and describe some features of the target language country/countries such as geographical features, weather, places and landmarks, food
3.2 discover and use facts and figures related to the target country/countries such as statistical data, festivals, inventions, famous people
3.3 reflect on what they have learned about the country/countries associated with the target language
3.4 identify and explain some aspects of the target language country/countries in areas such as everyday living, interpersonal relations, customs and behaviours, social conventions
3.5 identify and reflect on common stereotypes about the target culture/s, including their own, and explain if and how their attitude towards the target country/countries is evolving
3.6 select, process and present information through the appropriate use of digital technologies, and evaluate it for truth and reliability
3.7 analyse similarities and differences in relation to their peers’ lives in the target language country/countries in areas of daily life such as school, socialising, sport, eating habits
3.8 compare and contrast aspects of personal interest in the target language country/countries with those in their own country and present them using a range of media
3.9 appreciate how cultural differences influence social relations, such as in greetings and eating together
3.10 compare and contrast the use of numbers in the target language country/countries and in their own, with regard to familiar topics such as prices, age, dates, seasons
Considering Samples of Student Work
Consider the information contained in the Padlet for your language and discuss the following prompts:
To what extent does the sample of student work demonstrate learning in relation to the associated learning outcome - 3.8 French, 3.7 German, 3.7 Italian & 3.7 Spanish?
Consider how this learning outcome can be further developed with this group at this point in time.
How might we develop the learning outcome in its entirety over the three years of junior cycle?
Strand 3: Learning Outcomes
3.7 analyse similarities and differences in relation to their peers’ lives in the target language country/countries in areas of daily life such as school, socialising, sport, eating habits
3.8 compare and contrast aspects of personal interest in the target language country/countries with those in their own country and present them using a range of media