April 2023

What's going on in the Jaxco Library Learning Commons this month? 

Celebrate National Poetry Month

Calling all poetry enthusiasts! April is National Poetry Month, and the Jaxco Library Learning Commons is excited to celebrate by creating a unique Blackout Poetry Display. To participate, you'll need to take an old book, newspaper, or magazine and creatively redact words to craft your own poem. Don't fret if you don't have any materials on hand, as the Library Learning Commons can provide them for you. Just drop by anytime to pick up what you need, and then head over to our website to learn how to create your own Blackout Poetry masterpiece. Join us in celebrating the beauty of language and expression this National Poetry Month!

#NationalPoetryMonth #blackoutpoetry #repurposing

Is it a Pop Star or a Poet?

Visit the display at the high school Library Learning Commons and determine if the quote is a pop song lyric or lines taken from a poem.

Get ready to compete in our Pop Star or a Poet Trivia Contest during Advisement! Stay tuned for further details.

🌻🌿🌱  Let's Grow!  🌱🌿🌻

We are thrilled to announce our collaboration with Mrs. Curtis's Food Classes this month! As part of this collaboration, we will be providing students with an opportunity to explore one of our Grow Towers and take a closer look at the produce growing on it. Additionally, we have added new Food and Cooking books to our collection, which students can check out and explore at their leisure. These resources are perfect for students who want to learn more about cooking and nutrition, and we hope they will inspire a love of healthy eating habits and cooking in them.

Guess how many seeds are in the jar for a chance to WIN!

The Georgia Peach Book Award works to promote reading and literacy skills in teens by highlighting the best current young adult literature. Each year, a committee of school and public librarians reads widely to choose a list of twenty nominated titles. Then, young adults choose books from among that list to read and rate. The books that earn the highest number of readers and ratings become the Peach Book and Honor Books. 

Click HERE to read more about the 2023 Georgia Peach Books winners and nominees for teens! You can find these books in the Jaxco LLC!

Follow @GAPCHBookAward on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook

Jackson County High School
Library Learning Commons

Mrs. Jill Weldon,  Media Specialist
Mrs. Erin Hughes, Media Assistant