Welcome to Our Geometry Class Page

Supplies needed for my class: 3 ring notebook Loose leaf paper Index Dividers (5 pack) Geometric Compass(to be kept at home) Calculator** Requested for our class (but certainly not required): Kleenex
**Calculator Advice:As you enter high school, a calculator is a wise investment. Everyone in my class will have access to the school's TI-84 Plus graphing calculators. However, you will need to have a calculator at home to do your homework since you cannot take my calculators home. There are several FREE calculator apps that have all the functions necessary and you can check out calculators from our school library for 5 days at a time. However, if you are considering taking higher level mathematics courses in the future you might consider investing in a graphing calculator (around $100-150). I would recommend any version of the TI-84 series. The TI-84 Plus CE is a favorite among my students(pictured). Please note that the TI-89, TI-92, and the TI-Nspire CAS will not be allowed in this class, they simply do too much.
Please turn in the TI-Points from your calculator to Mrs. Conner!
Watch for sales during tax free weekend and the beginning of school to save $!