Student Expectations

Know Your Schedule

Elementary teachers will create their own schedule and communicate to students. The schedule will be posted in Google Classroom. Jr-Sr High classes will follow their daily schedule with the adjusted times below. They are to log in to each classes Google Classroom at the designated time. 

Follow Classroom Expectations

Students will function in the online classroom as they would an in person classroom. Teachers will share expectations about Google Meet cameras, microphones, due dates, etc. Students will follow directions and remain online until students are dismissed. Students must be good digital citizens and treat their classmates and teachers with respect.

Dress Code

While on camera, students will wear school appropriate clothing as it is stated in the Student Handbook. Wearing inappropriate clothing may result in removal from the Google Meet and or disciplinary measures taken after the return to school. 


Please communicate any issues you or your student(s) have to the classroom teacher or principal. If your student is unable to access the internet at home through wifi or cellular data, please have a plan in place with the school BEFORE Remote Learning begins. Because teachers will be conducting live instruction with their students all day, response time may be delayed more than a typical eLearning Day. If you are having technical issues, please reach out of the Technology Department at