YMCA stands for peace; YMCA works for peace



ウクライナ緊急支援募金 2022年8月31日まで

YMCA stands for peace; YMCA works for peace YMCAは平和を希求し、平和のために働く


ウクライナYMCA ビクター シアルボルフ総主事からのメッセージ






日本YMCA同盟ではヨーロッパYMCA同盟の協力を得て、ウクライナ人女性が娘の暮らす日本へ避難するためのサポートを行い、3月18日に無事、羽田空港に到着し、家族と再会することが叶いました。日本YMCA同盟とヨーロッパYMCA同盟は迅速な連携を図り、ウクライナからの渡航手続き、ポーランドでのYMCA会員のホームステイ先での受け入れ、ビザの手続き、日本への出国手続きなどを行っています。詳細→ウクライナ人女性 2週間かけ娘が暮らす日本へ避難ヨーロッパYMCA同盟やポーランドYMCAと連携し避難をサポート








◆メッセージ(日本YMCA同盟総主事 田口 努)(2022年3月2日)





 ウクライナYMCAは古くは第一次世界大戦下から戦争下で苦しむ若者のために活動を始め、その後も共産党組織支配下においては水面下で、独立後は長く民族紛争、貧困に苦しむ若者・子どものための活動をウクライナ全土25カ所で展開しています。ウクライナYMCA、ロシアYMCAともに、複雑な歴史を辿りながらヨーロッパYMCA同盟に加盟し、連なっています。平和と公正を求め、人権と民主主義にもとづいた対話による平和構築、若者の就業・メンタルヘルスについて若者自身が中心となって課題解決に望むYouth Led Solutionに注力しています。




日本YMCA同盟 総主事 田口 努 

We stand in solidarity with those who oppose military aggression and seek peace

The YMCA of Japan recognizes its historical responsibility in World War II and pledges in the "YMCA of Japan Basic Principles" to work together with the people of the world to achieve peace.

With regard to the recent invasion of Ukraine by Russia, we strongly oppose military aggression and hope that war will not be the solution to international disagreements, but that a diplomatic solution through dialogue and cooperation will be found and that the armed conflict will end as soon as possible.

War destroys in an instant the cities where people live their daily lives, soldiers of both countries take each other's lives, and many citizens, including children in Ukraine, are deprived of their human rights and dignity of life. If the war continues, more blood will be spilled and more innocent lives will be taken.

Their families, friends, acquaintances, and our tears of grief multiply tens of thousands of times. Our thoughts are with the people of Ukraine, who are in a state of fear and anxiety at this moment.

The YMCA of Ukraine has been working for young people suffering from war since World War I. Since then, under the control of the Communist Party, the YMCA has been working behind the scenes to support young people and children suffering from ethnic conflict and poverty in 25 locations throughout Ukraine. Both the YMCA of Ukraine and the YMCA of Russia are members of the YMCA Europe, which has a complex history.

They are focusing on Youth Led Solutions, which seek peace and justice, build peace through dialogue based on human rights and democracy, and seek solutions to youth issues through young people's employment and mental health.

Immediately after the invasion, the YMCA of Ukraine began providing accommodation, food, clothing, and hygiene products for those fleeing the bombed areas, and will continue to provide psychosocial support for children and youth. YMCAs in Ukraine's neighboring countries cooperate with each other to receive displaced people and provide livelihood support 24 hours a day.

There have been demonstrations against the war in Russia, but under the current political system it is difficult to have much power, however YMCAs around the world stand in solidarity with all those who want peace. The YMCA in Japan will immediately call for fundraising activities and support these activities.

In order to prevent human rights and democracy from being threatened in the world and in Asia, we pray for peace even if we are powerless, and hope that we can show our solidarity and action with those who seek peace by raising our voices against war and that there will be no peace by force as our daily desire for peace.

In addition, people in Japan who have close relations with Ukraine and Russia, as well as international students at YMCA, members and their families may be greatly affected. The YMCA will take necessary measures such as providing support to the people concerned, and strive to prevent prejudice and discrimination.

The Tokyo YMCA has a 20-year relationship with the Ukraine YMCA.

On the fifteenth anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear accident, the Ukrainian YMCA expressed a wish to have an exchange program with Japan as a country that had suffered the same atomic bombings

Grass-roots activities such as children's Christmas card exchange, peace camp visits, and video exchange by high school students have continued. 

The National Council of YMCAs of Japan

General Secretary Tsutomu Taguchi

東京YMCA(総主事 菅谷 淳)では、ウクライナYMCAと20年にわたる交流があります。


The Tokyo YMCA has a 20-year relationship with the Ukraine YMCA.

On the fifteenth anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear accident, the Ukrainian YMCA expressed a wish to have an exchange program with Japan as a country that had suffered the same atomic bombings

Grass-roots activities such as children's Christmas card exchange, peace camp visits, and video exchange by high school students have continued. 

◆世界YMCA同盟総主事 カルロス サンヴィー氏からのメッセージ(2022年2月25日)




この数週間、私たちはヨーロッパYMCA同盟とともに、YMCAウクライナとYMCAロシアと連絡を取り合い、どのような支援ができるかを検討しています。2月23日には、私たちは世界YMCAとヨーロッパYMCA同盟が、YMCAウクライナとYMCAロシアに寄り添うという声明を発表しました。 この紛争の影響を受ける可能性のあるYMCAを危険にさらすことのないよう、追って通知があるまで、私たちは公的な声明を発表することはありません。




世界YMCA同盟総主事 カルロス サンヴィー

Dear friends,

Yesterday we have seen the beginning of an armed conflict that we all hoped would never materialize. At the World YMCA, we are appalled by the invasion of Ukraine, a confrontation that will lead to loss of life and livelihoods. We are already seeing thousands forced to flee their homes, while others have been caught in the line of fire, including many civilians and even children.

We strongly believe that war is never the solution for any international disagreement, and we still hope that a diplomatic solution will be found or indeed that the armed conflict will end as soon as possible.

Over the past few weeks - together with YMCA Europe - we have been in touch with YMCA Ukraine and YMCA Russia to see what and if any support can be offered. We will continue, and we will intensify these efforts in the coming days. Yesterday, 23 February, we issued a statement saying that World YMCA and YMCA Europe stand with YMCA Ukraine and YMCA Russia. Until further notice, we will not be issuing public statements, so as not to endanger any YMCA that might be affected locally by this conflict.

In the following days and weeks, we will continue to monitor the situation and offer support to YMCA Europe, YMCA Ukraine, and YMCA Russia wherever needed. This will include monitoring of the refugee situation.

At this time we stand in strong solidarity with all Ukrainians and all Russians who are against the war, and especially with our friends Viktor in Kiev and Alexei in Moscow, and their entire teams. Please join me in praying for peace in Ukraine and for the wellbeing of all our YMCA staff and volunteers in the affected areas.

Yours in solidarity,

Carlos Sanvee

Secretary General


世界YMCA同盟 ヨーロッパYMCA同盟




Over the past weeks our colleagues at the YMCAs in Ukraine and Russia have deeply appreciated the messages of concern, support and solidarity expressed from all their international partners. As we follow the ongoing situation and express the concern of an organisation which is focused on empowering young people, we stand solid in our mission to unite people, preserving human dignity and safety.

Through YMCA Europe we have remained in close contact with our colleagues in both countries, communicating about the ongoing situation and the role that our global YMCA Movement should take at local, national and international levels. The task of YMCA Europe becomes more relevant through its traditional peace focused initiatives involving young people from different backgrounds. Based on our Mission and guiding principles, our Movement has for many years run peace-building programmes, creating spaces for reconciliation and peaceful transformation of conflicts by empowering young people and positively influencing their lives.

World YMCA, all its Area Alliances around the world, and our member YMCAs will continue creating spaces for peace, understanding and reconciliation which involve young people learning the respectful understanding of differences. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those communities in conflict across the world, as we continue to take our own small steps for peace.




(ウクライナYMCA Victor総主事から東京YMCAに届いたメールより)




















今日、世界YMCA同盟のカルロス サンヴィー総主事とヨーロッパYMCA同盟のファン イグレシアス総主事から



In Kiev situation is very tense and unpredictable. Our Mayor announced, that a battle for Kiev has started. I live in the downtown, in the Governmenatal area. From time to time we hear faraway shooting and blows. Russians try to surround Kiev and to enter it. Their sabotage group a few hour ago captured Ukrainian military truck and in Obilonj district of Kiev, 15 km from the down town, crushed a few civil cars and tried to arranged panic in the city.

Our military destroyed them.

In another district of Kiev the drone was hit down by our Air Force defense, and from its wreckages a multi-storey building caught fire…

So, it becomes more and more dangerous in Kiev…

But there is no panic, people do their best to keep calm, although many left Kiev by cars and other means of transportation.

Good thing is that TV and internet is working almost all the time and we get actual information regarding the air danger and situation in Kiev and in the country.

More, than 10 thousands machine guns were given to volunteers, who have the military experience at the war with Russia in the East, to assist our military to defend Kiev!

Our Ministry of Defense reported, that our army destroyed for 2 days 80 tanks, 10 aircrafts, 7 helicopters, more than 1 thousand Russians, took in prison a few tens of them.

The YMCA National office is working distantly these 2 days, collecting information from the local YMCAs about situation and their needs to assist people, suffered from the war. The war actions all over Ukraine are in the active phase now, changing rather quickly. We hope to get some preliminary information from the locals early next week, I hope.

Today I got calls from Carlos Sanvee, YMCA World General Secretary and Juan Iglesias, YMCA Europe General Secretary, who told me, the they started a fundraising campaign to support YMCA Ukraine in our work with those, suffered from the war.

Will keep you updated on the situation.

Best wishes,



ウクライナ緊急支援募金  期間:2022年3月1日~4月30

YMCA stands for peace; YMCA works for peace YMCAは平和を希求し、平和のために働く