JICMS Student Log-in Websites

Tutorials: HOW TO....

VIDEO Guides

Introduction to Infinite Campus for Students

*Note: This video was created from a different school/district but the information on how to navigate IC as a student is the same as JICMS.

Use the Editor in IC to Turn In Assignments

Scan from an iPhone/iPad or CamScanner App and Upload in IC

Scan from Adobe Scan App to Upload Assignments in IC

Saxon Math Book Tutorial

Understand important terms and parts of your Math Book

document Guides

Infinite Campus Student Log ON.pdf

IC Student Log ON

Scanning On iPhone.pdf

Scan from an iPhone/iPad

Chromebook Tip: How to split a screen to open 2 tabs on the same screen

student forms

6th grade Student Passwords.pdf

6th Grade Student Passwords Sheet

Use one square to keep all your usernames and passwords together and safe!

7th and 8th Grade Student Passwords.docx.pdf

7th/8th Grade Student Passwords Sheet

Use one square to keep all your usernames and passwords together and safe!