Physical Education Philosophy

Physical activity is our top priority. Knowing the current trend of childhood obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and even heart disease among our children, we want to make a difference. Including a quality physical education program into our daily curriculum will offer countless benefits. Encouraging our kids to get physical and include bouts of activity throughout their school day can improve their sleep habits, increase their energy, decrease risks for certain health issues and most of all guide them in a positive direction toward a healthy adolescence and adulthood.

Having a welcoming, fun, positive environment when students come to P.E. is important to us here at J.A. We want students to look forward to coming to P.E. and we want to see the excitement on their faces wondering what we will do for that day’s lesson. Each new and exciting activity presented gives each student one more physical activity to choose from. Physical activity should be something students ‘want’ to do, not feel like they ‘have’ to do. In providing a multitude of choices and activities that are fun and inviting, students will be able to take these activities outside of P.E. and into their daily lives.

By giving our students choices and teaching them a variety of active games and skills, students will learn to appreciate the value of activity. And with those many choices, students can find an activity or skill they enjoy and reap the benefits of lifelong physical activity.