School Counselor Connections


Carrollton Cardinals

We are ready for the 24-25 school year! Our motto for this school year is "Plant seeds of kindness".

We would like to invite everyone to do a good deed or one act of kindness every day.

Our new classroom pet:

Name TBD

To create an environment that fosters a sense of belonging where students feel valued and supported

To enhance and expand on each student's unique gifts and talents  through an emphasis on social/emotional learning, career exploration, and academic achievement.

September Characteristic of the Month is GROWTH.

Teachers nominate one student in every classroom that demonstrates growth for Cardinal of the Month. A vote is held to select a finalists in every grade and their picture is displayed in the office. All nominees are invited to a popcorn party to recognize their hard work.

Growth can be demonstrated by learning from mistakes, adapting to routines, or having a growth mindset.