Counselor Corner

Welcome Turtle Rock! 

My name is Elena Perez and I am one of your Elementary Resource Counselors!


My name is Joshua Razo and I am your other Elementary Resource Counselor!


Join us for our fourth 2023-2024 parent workshop!

What is an Elementary Resource Counselor (ERC)?

The Elementary Resource Counseling Specialist (ERC) promotes social-emotional and mental health & wellness at Turtle Rock. Students are offered voluntary services that enriches student success by attending to challenges that can include school adjustment issues, stress, family change, grief, fears, or difficulties with relationships. ERCs are also here to provide resource linkage for families to further wrap around support for students.

Proactive and Responsive ERC Services:


Short-term, solution focused individual or group counseling  

Classroom Lessons

SEL Lessons to promote healthy social emotional development  

School Wide Activities

Create & Support School Wide activities 


Collaborates with parents and school staff 

Your child might want to see an ERC when: