Irvine High
School Site Council
School Site Council consists of administrators, certificated and classified staff, students and four parent members, The purpose of the council is to make improvements in curriculum, instruction, services and in school organization and environment that help meet the needs of ALL students. It is the goal of the School Site Council to oversee the implementation, revision, and assessment of the school's improvement plan (Single Plan for Student Achievement).
Discussions include safety plans, best practices, self study monitoring, and more.
Dr. Jeffrey Hernandez, Principal
Sue Im, Assistant Principal
Bobby Gomez (classified)
Michael Civalleri
Stephanie Fair
Ashleigh Frazer
Keith Szczudlak
Omar Ezzeldine
Dharini Joshi
Jodie Hoffman
Vicky Yu
Ishann Gaikwad
Sradha Vayalapadu
Audrey Chen
Our first School Site Council meeting is scheduled on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 at 4:15 pm in the Staff Lounge. Everyone is welcome to attend!
Meetings are open to the public and located in the Staff Lounge