PHS New Bulldog Guide


What's Next?

Select “Create New Account”, and use your student email address that the school has on record for you, which is your graduation year, last name, first name (23smithtom), and your password will be your long student ID number.  

Canvas is a platform some Portola teachers use that will allow you to check your course information and materials and submit assignments.

Canvas is a platform some Portola teachers use that will allow you to check your course information and materials and submit assignments.

Also be sure to add yourself to Google Classroom for your grade level to receive grade level information from Portola Counseling, ASB, and Portola Pilot! 

Google Classroom Invite Codes

Class of 2024: 64uuxof

Class of 2025: gpnochs

Class of 2026: 4cdqbq3

Class of 2027: kxvkwbb 

Integral is a mobile app created by former Portola students which allows you to check our bell schedule and how much time is left in class (which is especially important since we have no bells!) and check out Portola news and events!

Frequently Asked Questions

Getting Involved

Where can I find information about clubs?

You can find club information and descriptions on Portola ASB's clubs page

How do I access my IUSD email?

Students can access their email accounts at  Students' usernames are the same as what they currently use to log into IUSD software programs (example: Their password is the standard IUSD password.

Where can I find information about joining sports?

You can find all information, including the athletic clearance process on the Athletics section of our Portola website!

Please note that you need to be athletically cleared in order to participate in summer camps, tryouts, and practices.

I want to use my school's parking lot. What do I need to do?

You would need to obtain a parking permit. Full instructions on getting your parking permit are on the Students section of our school website!

What are the requirements to graduate and meet 4-year college eligibility requirements?

Here's the link go the Graduation/4-Year College Eligibility Requirements on the Counseling section of our website!

If you have any questions regarding whether or not you're meeting requirements, please contact your designated school counselor.