Each child will be honored as a "Star of the Week" for one week during the school year. This is their chance to share about themselves and their family, while practicing speaking in front of a small audience. The Star of the Week shares each day during their Star Week and the daily sharing topics are detailed below. If your student is the Star of the Week during a week with a “no school holiday,” they can combine 2 days of sharing topics and share them both on the same day. Please have your child bring in all their daily sharing items to school on the first day of their special week. All items will be kept in our classroom and sent home at the end of the week.

Monday – “All About Me” Poster

Please work with your child to complete a poster (any color/about 18 by 20 inches) that represents their interests, hobbies, and family. Feel free to decorate it with the star templates (see below) as well as family photos or pictures they have drawn. Have their first name shown prominently as well. The poster is displayed in the classroom for the week. Please help your child practice what they will say about each item on their poster when they share it with the class.

Tuesday – Show and Tell

Your child may choose one special item to share with their classmates! Please help your child prepare some special facts about the item they choose to share (e.g., Where did you get it? Why is it important? What do you do with it?).

Wednesday – Brain Break Boss

Your child Your child will get to select our brain breaks for the day! Go Noodle (gonoodle.com) is often a student favorite, if you’d like to peruse the website before their special day.

Thursday – Mystery Bag Item

Your child can choose any school-appropriate item to place in the Mystery Bag. Please make sure that the item fits inside the brown paper lunch bag provided and close the top of the bag. Please help your child to prepare three descriptive hints for their mystery item to share with the class. Students will guess the mystery item on this day.

Friday – Favorite Book

Your child can bring in his/her favorite book to share with the class. Please help your child practice talking about the title of the book, their favorite part, and why it is their favorite book.


Star of the Week Poster :: Star Cut-Out Templates

Please feel free to print these star cut-out templates on the right if your child would like to use them for his/her Star of the Week poster. To print, click the "Pop-Out" arrow on the top right corner of the box to enlarge, then print.


Student Star of the Week Star Template.pdf