
Welcome Coders! Scroll down to see several fun challenges.

Take a Code Break

Join Hadi Partovi founder of and some special guests to learn different computer science concepts in a virtual classroom . Click on the button to get started.

Puzzle, Maze, Bird, Turtle, Movie, Music, Pond Tutor and Pond

Blockly Games

Here you can play all the games listed. Each game has several levels. Make sure to go through the levels sequentially to develop the required skills.

Code a Dance party, Journey through Minecraft with code, Make your Flappy bird game and several others.

Press the button to go to a new page with games.

Shape Tracer 1

Code the Ozobot to trace the shape in a bot simulator!

There are 10 levels in this game.

Shape Tracer 2

Using loops to program the Ozobot to trace the shape in bot simulator!

There are 10 levels in this game.

Artificial Intelligence

Online drawing game which uses artificial intelligence.

Help A.I. clean the oceans by training it to detect trash! Learn about how artificial intelligence( AI) can address world problems.