December 7, 2018

8:30 - Welcome and Introductions

    • Describe your makerspace and role.

    • Suggestions on Day and Times of Meetings

      • Attendees agreed they liked having the meetings on Fridays and preferred the morning time slot.

9:00 - Purpose of the Group

    • Share projects, resources, problems, and solutions

9:15 - Discussion on Classroom Management

    • Instruction/Presenting

      • Keeping computers closed and walking through steps first, cannot open the computer until they understand the steps.

      • Using google drive to share, grade, and transfer student work more efficient then jump drive

      • Saving files as PNG will allow you to see the image, students send CD or AI file with PNG.

      • How students save their work name etc. having something out (i.e. on a wall) and visible.

    • Have parameters guide students more, include a brainstorming sheet like a blueprint, would have to have multiple drafts.

      • Creativity and timing can be a problem, not seeing the students enough with limited time to go more in depth and allow for creativity.

      • Giving them a template and then getting that same design back from students, limited time to test and try new/different ideas.

    • Having the space for the Fab Lab or Makerspace, things getting moved around trying to find a location to fit all the components equipment, etc.

    • What is the goal? Is the goal to use the machine? Where is the focus? Is the goal the process and steps taken along the way?

      • Have students write out the steps on what they did to prove what they designed or created

      • Self-empowerment in students, sense of accomplishment once they finish a project, fear of failing can be a drawback to creativity, allowing them to see what other projects may have not been successful on the first try.

    • Classroom Management:

      • Five “S’s” in manufacturing: The five in a 5S workplace organizational and housekeeping methodology refers to five steps – sort, set in order, shine, standardize and sustain. ... The 5S methodology is a simple and universal approach that works in companies all over the world. Having the space ready for the next group to come in and continue the next project.

      • Storage space for materials and student work, not having enough wall space or access to storage units, finding a solution option could be to build your own.

      • Hierarchy of making - making something for yourself, making something for your school, making something for your larger community

    • If you make something for the school who installs the project, custodians, teacher, students?

    • Selling project, i.e. school store, what and who do they sell too? Shirts etc.

    • How to schedule in other classes that would be interested in using the space?

    • Selecting projects when incorporating other classes, do they work with other classes.

  • Place to share files and ideas specifically for Fab Coordinators.

10:15-10:30 - Break

10:30-11:15 - Open Discussions between participants

11:15-11:30 - Requested Topics for Next Meeting

              • Project sharing

                • Take time to upload projects and give a quick explanation of it