Bubble Map Maker

This interactive tool will display a visualization that shows the relationships among modes (i.e., modal density) for the data you enter. First, code a video clip to mark the times when each mode is used, then add up the number of instances for each mode, the total duration for each mode, and whether the mode required high or low levels of attention by the participants. You can leave blank any modes that are not important to your analysis; if you don't see a mode you need, you can add a mode in the bottom rows of the table. Next type the totals for each mode directly into the green cells in the table below. When all your data are entered, scroll down and you'll see a bubble chart that Excel auto-generates at the bottom of the page.

Note: Your Excel table and bubble chart will be temporary and will not be saved so take a screenshot of the table and chart to save your work.

For more details on building your own bubble map using Excel, go to the Modal Density video walkthrough here.

For more background on analyzing activity through modal density and modal mapping, see chapter 5 in Literacies That Move and Matter.