About Me

I am currently a sophomore biology major on a pre-medicine track. There are several reasons as to why I chose biology as my major. The simple one being that biology is something I have always enjoyed and excelled in, and it is also a pathway that can lead to many careers in science. I feel it is a major that is perfect for a pre-med track, and it is also a subject that touches on other aspects of science.

The other reason is that I had two people who were major influences in my life growing up. In high school, I had a phenomenal science teacher that was very passionate about the subject herself. Her lectures were always very engaging, especially when she would discuss some of the unethical practices in science, and how there are lots of disparities in health. When discussing career paths, her input and encouraging words helped me to solidify what path I wanted to take for my future. My mother was also a heavy influence in my interest in medicine. She was a cancer nurse when I was growing up, and hearing how she was helping to change lives and comfort those in a time of need was very moving. Listening to the struggles a cancer patient experiences motivated me to take an interest in medicine and oncology.

There is no "I" in Team

As a team, you can accomplish so much more. Being able to share opinions and ideas within a diverse group is a great privilege. As a team member I am very good at communicating clearly with other members of the team. I enjoy listening to others opinions, and learning from their own ideas. I am always willing to learn and face new things with an optimistic mindset. I always strive to create a positive environment that reinforces teamwork in order to improve productivity, and accomplish many challenges.

My Experience and Skills

“Bath and Body Works.” Cart Page | Bath & Body Works, https://www.bathandbodyworks.com/cart.

Sales Associate

Before starting my freshman year of college, I began a job at Bath and Body Works and I have been working there ever since. Even though this is a retail job, it is highly team motivated. Everything would not run as smoothly as it did if associates and managers did not communicate effectively. My typical days consists of working at the cash register, meeting any of their needs, restocking, and primarily persuading customers to purchase items. Although it is retail, we are faced with many different individuals throughout the day, all of which with different backgrounds. Through proper communication I have learned how to uncover their needs and create a positive shopping experience. Throughout my time at bath and body works I've had the chance to solve complex issues, and have learned how to communicate effectively with team members in order to create a positive work environment.

“How to Avoid Contamination in Pipetting.” RMB, 15 Aug. 2019, https://www.rapidmicrobiology.com/news/how-to-avoid-contamination-in-pipetting.

First Year Science Apprenticeship

My freshman year of college I had the opportunity to participate in a biology apprenticeship program. I was assigned to Dr. Teri Belecky-Adams lab, who is a neuroscience professor here at IUPUI. In her lab she was studying the functions of the eye, and how they develop. Due to covid I primarily worked with the PhD and graduate student in the lab, who were both great supervisors and mentors. My responsibilities in lab consisted of making solutions for experiments, keeping inventory, maintaining a sterile work environment, and restocking supplies and lab materials. This position was extremely beneficial because it allowed me to perfect many lab techniques while practicing the proper lab safety protocols. Many of these lab skills I developed with this job have carried over to my classes and current internship. For this reason, I will forever be thankful for the experience and skills I gained that have jumpstarted my career in science.

Wilkerson, Debbie. “Wilkerson Dance Studio.” Wilkerson Dance Studio, http://wilkersondance.com/.

Assistant Dance Instructor

Growing up, I participated in a lot of dance. In fact, I have been dancing and performing for 17 years now. My junior and senior year of high school I decided to become an assistant teacher at my local dance studio. It was one of the rewarding volunteer opportunities I've ever had. I worked for kids of all ages, and the biggest challenge was adapting to all those environments. With lots of practice I was able to adopt different teaching styles for each group of kids in order to keep others from falling behind. Working with kids of different skill levels and abilities let me become more confident in my leadership abilities because a class of 20 always kept me on my toes. It was an experience that I would definitely do again if I had the opportunity.

“Strengthening Community.” YMCA of Greater Indianapolis, 19 Jan. 2022, https://indymca.org/.


My junior year of high school I started my first job working for the YMCA. I was a before and after school child care aid. For a year and a half I jumped around schools to provide babysitting and tutoring services to students. I worked with a lot of children that had very different upbringings from my own, so I had to learn how to deal with different situations that I wasn't necessarily used to. I enjoyed playing games with the kids, and the tutoring was especially fulfilling because I was happy to know I was helping others succeed. Even though this was great first job that submerged me in very different environments, I don't believe its a job I would want again. It was not enjoyable when I had to deal with agitated parents or kids, and I didn't always love the lesson planning. I would spin several hours a week planning the agenda for the day, but would never get paid for those efforts. So overall, I think the lack of respect may have been a major dilemma for me.