About Me

As an emerging professional attending Indiana University- Purdue University Indianapolis, I am currently in my third year towards earning a bachelor’s degree in Health & Rehabilitation Sciences. I intent to pursue a master’s degree in physician assistant studies upon completing my undergraduate years at IUPUI. In achieving these goals, I plan on becoming involved in medical research and gaining experience in clinical settings. Through my involvement in LHSI, I hope to gain personal and professional skills. My work as an intern will equip me with value knowledge and skills that I will be able to use and tradition in my future pre-professional endeavors.

My interest in pursuing a degree in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences grew from my curiosity in learning more about health and science. To seek a major that would allow me to continue learning more concepts in biology and chemistry as well as gain knowledge in the many aspects of the US health care system. Up to this date I find myself passionate in my continuance to learn about how culture, finances, the environment, politics, religion, and personal choices affect individuals from our society.

Career Overview

Born and raised most of my life in a humble town in Aguascalientes, Mexico, I learned that there is a high patient to doctor ratio. Many individuals don’t seek or obtain medical attention due to the lack of availability and high price. Primary health care that is, health promotion and maintenance is scarce in rural areas within all age groups. Seeing this firsthand, has allowed me to understand at a young age that not everyone has access to quality health care. My past experiences and interactions with the Mexican healthcare are memories I go back to and reflect on upon why I intent to pursue a medical career. The health care hardships my family and I experienced, have fueled me with determination and commitment towards becoming a Physician Assistant and improving the health among society.

As a future Physician Assistant, I would like to promote health and wellness on a personal level and make a difference in people’s lives. I want to help empower the public to take charge of their wellbeing and do everything I can for those in my care. I want to advocate for those who might not have anybody to stand up for them. I want to study harder tonight so that tomorrow I do something for the better. As a first generation, minority student I would also want to set an example for my young nieces and nephews and even my future children by setting high goals for myself and achieving them by trying hard every day.

Coming from a humble background, I know that I am extremely lucky to have this opportunity and become a professional in what I most like. I have goals set in my mind and I believe that determination and commitment is very important to be successful in this program. It is because of where I come from that I know what is at stake and I will work hard to finish strong. I came to the United States five years ago, and throughout this time I have not only come fluent in the dominant language but also became familiar with the culture and traditions. This life experience at a young age has equipped me with strong adaptability and transitional skills that will make me a good candidate for this program.

Additionally, through my academia I have gained significant knowledge in the medical field and by working in an orthopedic laboratory I have gained many experiences in experiment procedures and protocols. Also, through my involvement in different extracurricular activities I have gained important skills such as communication, time management, leadership qualities and responsibility that will be key to be successful in this program. My experiences working with a variety of individuals will contribute to the specialized needs for this position. I enjoy being part of a group/team environment and demonstrating cultural competency in my work ethic. In working as a future PA, I will have to collaborate with doctors, nurses and other tech where group work is vital for success. A good team member is someone who is trustworthy, dependable, and motivated. Their ultimate end goal is to see the team success. They are not afraid to voice their opinions, ideas and concerns to the groups in a professional and appropriate way. They know the strengths they possess and can apply these in methods to benefit the team.