My Internship

My Internship is at the Kids Healthcast Podcast, a pediatrics podcast that is tailored to educate parents, guardians, caregivers, and others who work with children about their kid's health. As an intern at this site, I communicate with the other intern on coming up with a plan on when to reach out to the residents to schedule, record their podcasts, edit their scripts, post the podcasts, and market the recording on social media. 

Learning and Skills

During my time at my Internship at the Kids Healthcast Podcast, I plan on bringing the skills that I already obtain which are being flexible, open-minded, organized, and managing my time in a wise manner to this team. With these, I am able to improve them by communicating with the doctors recording the podcasts, and coming up with a schedule on when to edit, post, and market the upcoming podcasts. 

Since starting this internship, I believe that I am more confident in my flexibility, organizational skills, as well as communications skills when working with residents at the beginning of the podcast scheduling and recording. In the beginning, I do believe that it was difficult for me to manage my time along with some of my tasks since I was still figuring out what times works best for all of my responsibilities. But since the semester went on  I have figured it out how to contain that balance with each task by assigning times during the day to accomplish my work or study.With this I feel as if I have improved since then. 

 Since I am on the pre-nursing track this site has really given me an insider look at what residents go through in order for them to interact with their patients, where they can look for other resources for questions they may have or how to identify reliable sources for their patients to use, and how to properly explain medical jargon into simpler terms for those with no history with these terms. I learned that it is a good thing to have goals for each day to see what we need to get done and to stay on track with our schedule. For example, we will meet up with the residents, record their episodes so we can start editing the recording, then make an interactive post on our social media to get our audience anticipated for the upcoming podcast.

The Workplace

Some behaviors and actions that I have noticed in my workplace are that everyone is on the same page and try to figure out how we can get to our end goal. I have also noticed that there is a lot of patience overall especially when communicating what is needed to be done for the day. These things that I have noted were some of the major actions that I want to achieve throughout this internship as well as feeling confident, being reassuring, and being comfortable with the team to communicate if anything is not going the way it should. 

Being on this site so far has taught me how different we all look at a situation that is being presented. This is a great thing for me it trains me to look at other points of view in a situation on how things can be looked at as well as what other possible solutions we can implement in order for us as a team can a achieve our goal. With this, I learned that it is a good thing to have goals for each day to see what we need to get done and to stay on track with our schedule. For example, maybe meet up with the residents and record their episodes so we can start editing the recording and making an interactive post on our social media to get them anticipated and engaged.  

Successes and Challenge 

As an Intern at the Kids Healthcast Podcast, I felt successful as an intern when I along with the other intern recorded our first podcast with the residents during the block, uploaded the recorded podcast, and marketed that podcast on our social media. Even though it seems like such a small thing it was a great accomplishment for me because it was a learning experience throughout the whole process since it was a first. We learned some tips and tricks with our Supervisor on the editing platforms that are used, how to understand the block calendars that are used to help residents know their schedules as well as track sheets for the topics that have been discussed, and who we can contact if we are confused about the recording program or instruction document. 

Another success that has occurred since then has been finding solutions to problems that have been ongoing before we entered. So for example some things that Sophia (the other LHSI intern) and I have accomplished is updating social medias', logos, editing styles, music, and more. With this, we believe it made the podcast more conversational and less monotone. In other words, having the audience feel like there is an array of colors instead of just black and white. To put this in pictures we recently had to update the logo of the Kids Healthcast Podcast(shown on the side).

 The most challenging part was getting used to the independence that is given to us interns after the initial contact with the residents of the block. Even now after being on this site for almost 2 months it still feels almost weird on being independent of scheduling a podcast recording date/time, instructing residents on the location of the documents they may need, and helping them come up with a topic for their episode. Since I am used to someone guiding me through the whole project and checking in with the in-betweens. But I conquer these challenges by working along with the other intern on what each one is doing, checking -in with each other, and talking about what we can do to resolve a problem (i.e. a conflict with editing a podcast episode).

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