My Internship

Elevator Pitch


The primary function of the subaliquot lab is to aliquot multiple sub-samples from a single sample. Using a single bio specimen, in smaller portions, can preserve the integrity of tests being performed because it serves as a control. There is also value in having multiple of the same parent sample in the instance that one sample is lost, damaged, destroyed, or test results come back inconclusive. Furthermore, a smaller function of this lab is to collect preliminary data on these samples before they are sent to research or storage. This data includes hemoglobin concentration, hemolysis and turbidity levels, and keeping a record of the sample's freeze-thaw cycles.

This machine is used to wash excess reagents out of the sample plate wells between coatings.

Hemoglobin Assay Project Overview

  • Hemoglobin is a protein present in any bio specimen, and hemoglobin content is an important value to know for research because extreme values can create false negatives and positives for other substances in that sample.

  • The IU Genetics Biobank Sub Aliquot Lab is responsible for preparing samples for research and collecting preliminary data such as the hemoglobin content. Preparing a plate for a hemoglobin assay takes two and a half hours and they must be used within twenty-four hours. These time restraints can impact the quantity of samples able to be processed as well as the ability to rectify mistakes the same day if there is an issue with the first assay.

  • The Sub Aliquot Lab is interested in determining if reagents used in hemoglobin testing degrade over time and pinpoint a range in which these reagents are still viable. This is being accomplished by comparing the results from old reagents to new ones and determining the standard deviation. Positive results moving forward would allow for preparation of hemoglobin plates up to two months in advance and improve time efficiency in the lab.

The Workplace

  • Through my experience in this workplace so far, I have come to value my supervisors' communication skills and their capacity to help me learn the way that I do best: hands on. An organized environment and a learning atmosphere are two things I thrive in the presence of, and the leadership here exemplifies these values. I have also noticed the abundance of individual work that results in a very efficient work process. I would like to continue learning how to support my team in all of our endeavors in the science community, both through my skills as an individual scientist and as a contributing team member.

  • I have learned through experience that while this internship is very similar to what I expected, it is slightly less applicable to forensic science than I had thought. Although the knowledge regarding general scientific processes is important for building a good biology foundation for my career, I find less opportunity to analyze samples and learn from them than I might have initially hoped. Nonetheless, focusing on my foundation as a scientist is just as important and I look forward to having that foundation moving forward.

  • The large capacity for individual work combined with a relaxed, friendly lab environment makes me excited for work every day. The company mission is incredibly broad, and more so depends on the individual labs themself. The mission of my laboratory is to provide researchers with prepared samples. This mission influences every component of what is done in the lab because quality matters. Organizing the billions of samples on site and preparing the correct ones the correct way requires diligence and a well oiled machine. Because I thrive in a structured environment, I fit right in. There is a fair mix of face to face and email interactions. The site is very large, and often it is more convenient to publish information on microsoft teams than to relay in person. I appreciate the convenience factor of a shared calendar and microsoft teams. I also receive lots of in person meetings and instruction, which is very beneficial for the act of learning itself. There are many opportunities for career development and networking and my supervisor has been very supportive in helping me explore opportunities and better understand aspects of this area of science.

  • I have also learned of a future opportunity in this lab, perhaps as an intern or following my graduation. A new biomarker lab will be launched at the end of 2022, under the same supervisor that I am currently working for. Given the connections and experience this internship has afforded me, I may be eligible to find a position in the biomarker lab at a later date.

Learning and Skills

  • My ambitions with this internship included refining my teamwork skills while expanding my knowledge on scientific processes and why we do them. I intend to contribute to this internship through supporting tasks like restocking and cleaning, and active tasks like the hemoglobin assay project. My largest need for improvement throughout this internship resides in my confidence - I have learned through experience that your mistakes do not define you, however, I often struggle to remain optimistic if I make a mistake or am not doing as well as expected. I intend to develop confidence in my ability to learn and apply without stipulations on how well I think I should be doing.

  • My work with this project impacts the bigger picture for this site because it helps maximize time efficiency in the lab. Without these findings, the 2 hour hemoglobin assay process would remain limited to being performed within 24 hours of a reagent coating - which takes 2 hours to do as well. Given that the reagents coated up to a month in advance still produce viable results, a great sum of plates can be coated in advance and stored in controlled conditions to be pulled out and used for the assay when convenient. This will reduce the hemoglobin assay process by two hours and allow for remedial action in the event that a test is not successful the first time, it can be redone the same day and new, more accurate results can be obtained.

  • This site has allowed me to better understand scientific literature as I report my findings, as well as better understand the application of many tests to a research function. It has helped me to better apply my background knowledge in biology and genetics and has even contributed to my better understanding of current content in my schoolwork. I would like to further grow in my understanding of genetics and I intend to achieve this by applying for a student worker position at this site with more in-depth laboratory. There are multiple different laboratories under this single site, and my primary interest in the biomarker lab. The biomarker lab has huge application potential towards my genetic interest and is a real-world scenario that could change lives. The objective of this lab is to find a biomarker in the blood that will indicate the presence of a disease well before the onset and possibly allow for the prevention or minimization of the symptoms.

  • My favorite part of this internship has been the environment - work is a relaxed, easygoing atmosphere that has allowed me to absorb as much information as possible without the presence of stressors. Learning about the different processes used to gather different types of information about a specimen has been both interesting and applicable towards my career. My coworkers and supervisors' are quick to answer any questions I have and are thorough in their explanation to ensure my competency as a scientist when they are not present. This atmosphere has helped me to build confidence in my abilities as a scientist. It has taught me to not dwell on mistakes, but rather to grow from them and keep moving forward.

Successes and Challenges

  • I have enjoyed the challenge of learning how to do a hemoglobin assay on my own. My supervisor has a very hands-off approach, and this has allowed me to experience the joy of success when I have been able to complete the process from start to finish without aid. It has helped me to develop confidence in my individual abilities. Some of the challenges have been smaller details such as terminology and understanding the layout of an SOP. A portion of overcoming these challenges comes with practice, while the rest has been laid to rest with my learning attitude. I am never afraid to ask questions, and knowing the right questions to ask before I begin can eliminate many of the challenges early on.

  • My supervisor has taught me the specifics to each reagent and what they do, and that has been incredibly interesting and very informative towards the process. I now understand why each reagent is used, the order in which they are applied, and the quantity of each. My success is further defined by how much I have learned about the important of measuring hemoglobin content for research. A large component of being good at something is knowing why you are doing it and how it impacts the bigger picture. Knowing that hemoglobin content can affect other values measured in a bio specimen fuels my desire to be precise and accurate as I perform this assay.

  • One of the greater challenges I have faced in this position is the aspect of computer science in biology. My computer science knowledge is very limited, and learning how to analyze data has been challenging and taken longer than I thought it would. I have had to learn how to write complex functions in excel and organize documents in a computer savvy manner as opposed to an aesthetically pleasing one. Overcoming this challenge has required that I turn to my supervisor for help, while also frequently using the internet and my spouse (whom is a computer science major) to solve problems.