
About the Internship 

The goal of my internship sites research is to analyze qualitative and quantitative aspects of palliative care in and out of hospitals to overall improve patient centered care that will in turn reflect the patients personal preferences and beliefs. By doing this research we are able to give more clarity to patients in palliative care to better understand and help make the best decisions possible by determining what is right for them.


My current strengths as a team member are communication and responsibility. I feel that I am able to communicate well with my supervisor and teammates about what I need as well as what I have found. I also feel that I am good at taking responsibility for the things that I need to do along with being able to provide assistance for others on my team. Overall I feel I have been a good team member but I could've been a lot better. I had a hard time doing as much work as every one else, therefore I felt they were picking up my slack a lot. I let myself get distracted with other things too easy. I feel that I was good in the sense that I did communicate whenever necessary, and helped when and where I could. I was also active with my group and did activities with them when I was available too so that my team knew they could count on me. 

As a professional and a teammate, I would like to grow in my research and accountability. I feel that I currently do not know how to research very well and could improve in a lot of ways. I also feel that I am accountable, but not as much as I should be. I need to make sure I am where I need to be and get everything done that way I do not let my team down in the long run. To be accounatble is one of the most important things to me. I have always wanted to be and try to be someone that people can count/rely on. I was not as accountable as I should have been this year and I know that because I let life get the best of me; but because of this I have learned the type of person I need to be in my career fied. I know exactly how I want to be and I know exactly what needs to be done, that way I can be an accountable teammate now and in the future. I feel that by taking the time to learn how to research and collect data properly I have gained a better understanding of what it is like to go into a researching field. I have been very lost with what I want to do once I graduate. I know the health care field, but I have not really figured out what part. Since I was able to work with Dr. Comer and Professor Bartlett, I have been able to see that I like to research and this is something that I want to do in my professional career; even if its just small projects while I have another job, just being able to collect, analyze, and then inform people really makes me feel good. I want to make a change and I felt that just by working this year I have been able to help somewhere in some way. 

From the time I wrote my first response to now, I feel I have improved a lot. I have gotten a lot better at understaning the systems and language that we use, I have gotten a lot better at self discipline and learning how to be accountable and get more work done to help myself and the team. I have gotten better at communicating professionally and so much more. All of this has helped me become a better teammate and has helped prepare me for my future profession. If I can use the technology that is used at hospitals right now I should have no problem using them in my career; and if I have disciplne and accountability as well as communication I should be able to thrive once I get to my professional career and not be so timid. 

In order for everything to get done we all had to work together. There were not very many of us, but there was a lot of data to be entered and looked at. Even if I was unable to enter as much data as others, I feel that the ones I did truly took a weight off my teams shoulders. Another thing is that the more any of us would enter data in correctly the les our supervisor had to go back and check. Everyone on the team brought something to the table, whether that be a fast worker, a good communicator, one who understands the medical languae/technoloby used, etc. I feel that with all of us working hard together we were able to get so much done and get closer and closer to our end results.

Here is a short video explaining Parkinson's Disease