
Internship Goals

Lean the process of constructing and conducting research while retaining, and understanding each step.

In order to help me reach this goal, Dr. Cottingham has already begun to send me readings and lectures surrounding the construction of research. As we work through the project, we plan on continuing both hands on learning and readings in order to understand research wholistically. As I continue through both my internship and scholarship programs respectively, I believe I will achieve this goal through guidance from Dr. Ana Cottingham and Dr. Patricia Turley.

Effectively communicate the findings of my research to diverse populations

Dr. Cottingham and the research team have already created a welcoming space for me, and with this in mind I plan on actively participating in discussion, conversations, and presentations in order to practice my interpersonal communication skills. In addition, I will be conducting interviews and working with diverse members of the population, allowing me to communicate with all types of individuals. Also, I am taking C482 Intercultural Communications, so I am looking forward to applying these concepts to my internship.

Advance my writing skills in order to communicate with clarity and consisness

As stated previously, I plan on actively using my resources within my internship in order to meet this goal. With the support of Dr. Cottingham and the research team, I am putting trust in them to help guide me with constructive criticism as I step into this role. I am looking forward to expanding my professional relationships in order to learn from others and grow as a researcher. On my own, I have focused on using clear and concise vocabulary and relying on spell-check less.

Career Goals

A major career goal is to create my own charter schools for minority youth. It is no secret that the Black homeschooling community is expanding rapidly as a result of censorship and discrimination in education. However, homeschooling is not a practical option for many minority families, so I aim to create a safe space for minority students to develop and learn.

Academic Career Goal

  • A big goal I hold is the ability to see my research used in grant proposals and courtrooms in order to justify the use of court-ordered mentorship. Each month, I must make progress on my research. My next step is to revise my proposal alongside my mentor until I meet with the Institutional Review Board. By the end of the spring semester, I should have my research approved by the IRB and I will be able to begin collecting data. By this time next year, my project should be complete. I should be presenting my research and displaying its efficacy. This research has and it focus on systemic barriers that young Black men face when striving for success, including the school-to-prison pipeline, have shifted my focus toward community development through safe spaces of education.

  • Next semester, I will be applying to grad schools and will need to take the GRE. I have a goal of obtaining my Masters of Education in Comparative Education from IU Bloomington. This degree will equip me with the knowledge and experience to eventually develop an empowering, culturally aware charter school.

Semester Focus

  • This semester, I feel like I am performing in alignment with my goals. I am working on both my LHSI Research project in addition to a personal research project. My goal is to prepare myself for both Research Days I will be presenting in. These presentations will give me a foundation in presenting research and provide me with my first experience with presenting research on my own.