Library Newsletter

February - March Library News

20th Anniversary Celebration of the Library Building!

Join us for a celebration of the 20th anniversary of the library building! Did you know that the Library used to be located in University Center? In 2005, a brand new building was completed which allowed the library to double in size and enhance its services to the campus community. All are welcome to this event featuring guest speakers, cake, and a journey through the archives!

When: Wed. Jan 22 - 12:20 to 1:15 pm

Where: Library, Main Floor

Library Prompt:

One of the recent library prompts we've posted asks patrons, "What nontraditional items (not books) would you like to be able to checkout from the Library?" You can see some of the answers here, from drawing tablets to instruments to plug-in headphones.

And while we do have a Library of Things, these suggestions are always helpful! Do you have suggestions? Email them to Courtney,

Women's History Month

To celebrate Women's History Month, our workstudy students Macy put together this display in the Library's entryway. Stop by and browse the next time you visit!


Check out these databases from your home or office:

Book-a-Librarian: Personalized Research Assistance

We're here to help with any stage of the research process! Book your in-person or virtual research appointment today for a one-on-one session with a librarian!

Need immediate research help? Stop by our Service Desk, hop on via Live Chat, email, or call!

A row of hardcover books that are displayed pages-side outward.