
Last year, I got to be a teaching assistant in my freshman programming class. This was a great opportunity to learn and grow among other students. I got to learn more with my students and also with the other mentors. This gave me my first experience with teaching others and taught me a lot about adapting my plan to make the most for those learning with me.

That same year I got to be an undergraduate TA for a freshman biology lab. This was a great experience because I got to further practice the biology and lab concepts that I had learned the previous semester. I had three hours a week with these students, which was great because I had time to not only teach but also connect with the students and develop a relationship with them.

I volunteer at IU Health at the front desk of University Hospital. This was really great for me because I got to talk with actual patients. This gave me great insight into what people go through in the hospital. As an aspiring physician, I think it is important to try to empathize with patients and understand what they are going through to better help them heal.