Izadian Lab

Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Institute

Summer 2021

Anatomical diagram of the human eye

Anatomy of the eye.


Retinal diseases like macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa lead to degeneration of the photoreceptor cells in the retina. However, other cells such as retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), remain largely functional and intact. This project seeks to develop an artificial retina from light-sensitive gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), which resonate when excited by light at the same wavelength as their surface plasmon resonance (SPR) frequency. When coated in a dielectric, AuNPs may generate a voltage capable of exciting RGCs. In this artificial retina design, AuNPs would restore visual perception by performing the light-sensing function of photoreceptors.

Containers of gold nanoparticles of varying sizes.

Gold nanoparticles of different sizes synthesized by MURI students from the 2020 cohort.

Project Objectives

  • Synthesize AuNPs using the Turkevich method

  • Construct an artificial retina from AuNPs

  • Characterize the light response of the device by taking measurements with a Microelectrode Array (MEA)

  • Test the ability of the device to excite action potentials in living RGCs

Multimeter connected to the MEA interface board

Calibrating the MEA interface board prior to experimentation.

My Role as a Student Researcher

  • Perform background research on topics like optimizing gold nanoparticle synthesis, understanding and modeling the physiology of the eye, and performing MEA experiments with live retinas

  • Synthesize gold nanoparticles in the lab

  • Design experiments to characterize artificial retina behavior

  • Perform experiments using the Microelectrode Array (MEA) to measure live and artificial retina activity

  • Create MATLAB scripts to analyze raw data from the MEA

  • Report on experimental findings

Experimental Findings

Diagram of the MEA electrode arrangement

Electrode configuration.

MEA power supply

MEA power supply.


Challenges: Working with the MEA proved challenging because of technical errors, which were difficult to troubleshoot due to the lack of widely available information about the device. For instance, an unexplained buffer error prematurely ended MEA training. When the error was resolved a week later, Ben and I filled in our knowledge gaps by correlating the MEA software outputs with MATLAB processing of the raw data.

Another challenge included processing the raw data itself. The data files were very large, which required me to implement more efficient coding structures and learn new MATLAB commands. In addition, I sometimes had to modify scripts when unexpected experimental results required different analysis than was anticipated. For example, when switching from artificial to live retina recordings, I reimagined a heatmap script to display voltage vs. time data for temporal resolution.

Successes: Throughout this project, I applied skills from my biomedical engineering classes in new contexts. For example, I used my experience with electrical components in BME 224 to configure the LED light source. I built upon my experience with MATLAB to teach myself new commands for generating heatmaps, automating scripts, updating graphs based on user input, creating movies from plot frames, and taking the Fourier Transform of datasets, all of which I implemented in custom functions and scripts.

From many team-based projects and extracurricular experiences, I recognized the importance of establishing communication with my fellow undergraduate researchers. I created a group chat early in the summer and often coordinated peer Zoom calls and weekly meeting presentations. Because our summer cohort struggled with a lack of information pertaining to the MEA, I also compiled an extensive MEA protocol sheet to lessen the knowledge gap for future MURI researchers on the project.

Personal growth: The experimental challenges of this summer research project tested my resilience; the data analysis required inventiveness and adaptability; and the independent work structure proved my work ethic. The multidisciplinary nature of the project, which required collaboration between researchers in ophthalmology, engineering, chemistry, and physics, gave me a deeper appreciation of the unique skills, perspectives, and language that each discipline contributes. Whether about AuNP synthesis or retinal physiology, I surprised myself with how much new information I was able to learn by asking good questions, staying dedicated, and being patient. Going forward, this experience increases my confidence that I can acquire the knowledge to tackle new problems and situations.