Professional Goals

LHSI Professional Goals

1. Learn the applications of material learned in the classroom, and the relevancy to my desired career path.

Goal Reflection

      • In order to reach my goal of learning applications of materials and their clinical relevancy, I have met with Dr. Twigg and discussed the immune system and individual parts that relate to the things I am observing in the laboratory. I have also used my time in the lab to closely observe and frequently ask questions about what I am seeing or why it is of interest in the clinical setting. I believe that observing and asking many questions is something I will need to continue to do, to reach this goal long term.

2. Develop a network of individuals that relate to my future career path and can help to mold me into a better professional.

Goal Reflection

      • For my second goal, I have began working towards it by attending meetings with Dr. Twigg, socializing with my co-works and attending department presentations when possible. I think I still have room to develop my professional communication skills to completely reach this goal.

3. Deconstruct laboratory procedures in order to effectively complete experiments independently.

Goal Reflection

      • After observing, and reading procedures I have began to work independently on experiments with minimal questions. With more time I will continue reaching this goal, as I will ideally become more proficient and completely independent. I have several lab skills to learn, however I have already learned the proper pipetting technique, sterile technique and the use of a hemoctyometer to count cells.

Current Career Goals

Currently my academic and career goals include attending medical school, and becoming a physician. Additionally in my academics I would like to earn the RISE certificate for participating in various types of learning. I know that I enjoy science and learning new things so I believe those goals both align with the career of a physician and with my academic goal of earning the RISE certificate. Challenging myself academically will promote my continued learning and more exploration in science.

    • I feel very sure about my career goal of being a physician. I enjoy helping others, learning new things and science, all of which can be incorporated into that career. My LHSI internship is one example of how I am exploring my desired career through clinical research. Additionally I am volunteering with Kindred Hospice and have the opportunity to interact with patients and their families, strengthening my professional communication skills and solidifying that I enjoy working with individuals and their families. I believe that if i disliked patient interaction, or struggled to relate, I would reconsider my career goal. During the rest of my time at IIUPUI I hope to continue volunteering for Kindred Hospice in addition to volunteering at the IU Student Outreach Clinic. I believe this will be a great clinical setting that will help me evaluate my strengths and better identify areas that I could improve in myself to be successful in my goal of becoming a physician.
    • My newest goal is working to find a lab to complete my Capstone project in. I think that this goal is very attainable with the communication skills I have built though my internship, and the numerous laboratory techniques I have learned. Another goal is deciding what summer opportunities I would like to participate in, and completing the applications. I will once again be able to use my gained lab skills and communication skills to apply for the positions. Additionally I will be able to use individuals from my newly formed professional network for references, and individuals to review my applications.