
Internship Goals

Demonstrate a variety of basic office skills display initiative with those skills

This will be important in any field I pursue, mostly due to its role in cooperation with coworkers.

What I need to do: Learn how to do different tasks to gain experience with office work, work with and without members of a team, use initiative.

What I've already done: Learned how to check over reports and presentations for statistical and grammatical errors.

What I need to do next: Continue to learn about what is important to pay attention to in a report.

What I'll need to do over the next few years: Maintain an eye for detail in various settings.

Learn how to prepare professional papers and presentations.

I plan on going into research, so it is great to have the opportunity to assist with preparing such comprehensive reports as an undergraduate.

What I need to do: Complete a variety of tasks with direct oversight until I am more comfortable with the assignments and am able to make more independent contributions.

What I've already done: Checked over reports, completed trainings, corrected errors.

What I need to do next: Gain more confidence and familiarity with the work and how to fix problems.

What I'll need to do over the next few years: Continue to gain experience with the type of work I am doing to become more confident.

Make meaningful connections in the school of medicine to better prepare myself for the future and get a better idea of what I may want to do going forward.

It's important to be able to connect with others in any area of life, but in a workplace is is often crucial to good team dynamics. This is a skill that would serve me well beyond my education.

What I need to do: Talk to people in the RIME team about their work and research, and how they got to be there on the team.

What I've already done: Met all members of the RIME team in a group setting.

What I need to do next: Continue to work with the members of the team and get to know them better. This might be easier when we're back in person.

What I'll need to do over the next few years: Continue to foster connections with those around me.

Career Goals

Past, present, and future

I plan on applying to graduate school for pharmacology after graduating with my bachelor's. Long term, I would like to work at Eli Lilly. If at all possible, I'd like to pursue an internship with them my junior or senior year. While I'm passionate about science, and genuinely want to learn more about it, my goals come from a place of practicality. These goals will help me attain skills suitable for most any work environments.

My goals haven't changed since my junior year of high school, and some steps I have taken to see if they fit my strengths are shadowing at local pharmacies and the local hospital pharmacy. I also took a class to become a registered EMT at my high school to see if perhaps I would enjoy working with patients more, but it only solidified my plans to work in research. Currently, I am looking into the various requirements for graduate school and fostering relationships with those already in my goal career field.

Last semester, I took a class where the professor has a doctorate in neuropharmacology, and will be taking her Drugs and Behavior class when I am able. I have yet to talk to PREPs about graduate school, but I have spoken to them about strategies for getting an internship next year in a lab, an experience that I need, and I will be meeting with Neuroscience peer advisors soon to talk about Capstone possibilities. A skill I need to gain would be interviewing, as I received helpful critiques when going through the process for this internship but have yet to have another opportunity to improve.

My goals have not changed much from my LHSI application, but I have accomplished a few. I have more experience in a formal job setting, I know more about how research is conducted and data analyzed. My new goals are mentioned above, as they further help my career goal. A major career goal for me is applying to graduate school. I met with the Neuroscience peer mentors to ask them about the appropriate time to do so, and they said by the end of fall my senior year. I have already begun applying to internships/volunteer opportunities next year. By this time next year, I should have another internship experience that will help me in my goal to get into graduate school.