
About the Internship

During the fall semester of my internship I reached out to various hospitals across the state to inquire about whether they were using pagers or HIPAA text messaging tools. The purpose of this research was to understand hospital preferences and the usability of which ones they prefer using. 

During the spring semester of my internship, I looked over various articles about healthcare apps across the world. After gathering information about the various healthcare apps mentioned in the articles, I then look at various ways to see if they are still available to be downloaded and used. The purpose of this research is to figure out among the apps that are still available how they are still available compared to the apps that are not available to create similar apps in the future.

Project Summary

In this research we gather 24 various healthcare apps across the world to see if they are still available to be downloaded and used. During the research we gathered 24 articles about the healthcare apps and created an excel sheet where we put in our data. Next we searched the internet, app store, and google store to see if it was still available ornot. After we gather the information, we put all that information into an excel sheet. We are currently writing a research paper about our findings and hope that others will figure out a way to keep healthcare apps still available.


Some of the current strengths I have as a team member is being able to communicate when there is an issue in the process of doing research. For example when I was calling various hospitals I was not getting the answer that I wanted to get for this research. I would call and they would keep transferring me to different lines and eventually get disconnected or told that they couldn't give me the answer. I would discuss these issues with my supervisors and we would come up with a solution to try and fix this. In addition, being able to manage my time well in order to complete the tasks I was given. For example having a number of hospitals called in a certain week or finishing up my training. Another strength I have gained during my internship is being organized when I am gathering the data and putting it into the database. For this internship I was introduced to one drive and that is where we would put our data in to review. 

 Some of the things I hope to learn and grow are being able to ask more questions when it comes to research and gaining more knowledge and experience level and methods for researching more about the intersection of Human-Computer Interaction and Health Care. I also hope to learn how to improve my writing skills when it comes to writing a research paper. In addition being able to communicate better about my internship when it comes to the design aspect.  

By being able to collect the data needed and writing the paper it can help other people who wants to create a healthcare app to see what works and what does not work. This way people can create apps that can still be used and that are helpful to those who are using the app.

Working with the people in this internship has been a wonderful experiences. I learn so much when it came to the research process and how changes are made when dealing with research. As someone who has not written a medical research paper but my team has, has been very helpful because I receive feedback on how I need to fix it. This has help make the process faster and helpful so that others can read the paper. 

Success & Challenges

During this internship there were many successes and challenges along the way. For example during my fall semester I was able to complete the CITI training to be able to interview and help with the process of the app Cope360. Which is a app that helps caregiver who are taking care of children who have cancer. 

But unfortunately when I was doing my training for this internship the app did not work which took a long time to fix. During the time when the app was not working I was assign another task to call hospital and ask them whether they use pager or a HIPPA text messaging tools. During that process I learn a lot when it comes to the research aspect of things. Such as that research isn't prefect and that you will need to make changes along the way. Unfortunately due to hospitals not giving the information we needed we had to put that research on pause. 

I was given another task which was to read the articles that were provided to me and gather information about the healthcare apps that were mention. In this research I gather all the information that was needed and put them into the database. As of right now I am making sure that all the information I have is correct and make any changes needed to be able to write the paper. By doing this paper I have learn how to gather information and being able to write a paper which helps me with a future class I will take that deals with research.