
Internship Goals

  • Be able to display professionalism in any situation.

  • Learn more about the clinical pharmacology field and how research can help us understand how medications can help better our lives.

  • Learn how to go into a new work environment comfortably and accomplish my set tasks.

Career Goals

My career goal in life is to become an accomplished psychiatrist. I will work at a hospital or a clinical establishment right after college and then I will move on to treating patients by myself. I hope to have my own practice and connect with people from adolescents to adults. I would like to also partake in research and help people with new was to treat symptoms of anxiety, depression and other major neurological diseases.

Professional goals

How I achieved these goals

A professional goal as an intern was to become connected with people in the office. Conncestions are very important and will help me further my carrer both personally and professionally.

Next steps

Now with my intership coming to an end, I will take what I have learned and gained and apply it to my school work. I will also pursue other internship opportunities or lab work now that I have a good foundation to build off of. I will use everything I have learned to continue to further myself in my own personal life and my undergraduate career.

I have achieved all of these goals I have set for myself. My intership goals I completed. I learend about he professional atmosphere and what it is like to be a professional. I learned a plethora of imfortaion surrounding the clinical pharacology field while at my intership. I also had a welcomed atmosphere when entering the floor. This made a great transiton into my new job as an intern. Professional goals I accomplished by talking to all of the team members adn helping them with thier tasks. Making conncetions will help further me in my carrer as a professional. As my career goals during this internship, I learned a lot of skills and knowledge I can take with me to finish my undergrad and onto my professional medical career as well.

Expectations vs. Reality of Internship

My internship was not what I expected because I did not know anything about clinical pharmacology. Now that I have been there it was a great experience and definitely will help me further my undergraduate career and on to my professional career as well.