My Internship

Dr. Xue lab is through the School of Medicine on IUPUI's campus. The lab focuses on analyzing cancer stem cells in different areas of the head and neck. Along with their role in the initiation, progression, and recurrence of tumors.  This research adds to the overall knowledge of cancer and will lead to a more efficient treatment that wont affect the patients life in a negative way. 

Learning and Skills

I would like to gain knowledge regarding lab techniques, lab equipment, and manual dexterity. I would also want to expose myself more to learning to read papers, how papers are written, and how to analyze data. I am excited about learning how all of what goes on in and out of the lab will contribute to something greater than ourselves. I have taken three biology lab courses and the experiments I learned in class I have practiced in the lab. I have also mastered using the microscope below to the right:)

I am now at the end of my research and have learned so much. I learned how to stain slides using HE and EdU methods. I also learned how to do paraffin sectioning and cryosectioning. The lab tech also taught me how to do micro analysis on mice heads using a Micro-CT.

!Warning! There is a picture of a rat at the bottom undergoing a 2mm Hard Pallet extraction!

The Workplace

I've seen my peer leaders have great leadership skills. Also Dr. Xue's  communication has always been consistent. Almost everyone i've held a conversation with is super friendly and very welcoming.  I would  like to get better at explaining certain things, in my mind I know exactly what I'm thinking but when I try to say it, even I get more confused.  I also want learn to be more welcoming and friendly, I am now but i'm awkward and that stops me from continuing a conversation.  I also would like to get better at answering emails, I take 2-3 days to answer and it's not that I'm busy but I just haven't made it a habit of mine to check daily. 

The main person who teaches me is the lab tech, Shannon. She is super friendly and is originally from out of state. Her major was animal science and has worked in many states and universities. She has been really helpful in teaching me about how to find a job and how to reach out to people. I didn't have an expectation of this internship since I've taken lab courses but what I enjoy is being able to conduct certain experiments by myself. 

Successes and Challenges 

I have felt successful at my internship when I go change the water on the mice. Most movies that involved research on mice always show the water being changed so when I finally got to change it, I felt accomplished.  I have also learned how to identify the mice tongue on the slides so when I take an image of the slides they come out focused and precise so they don't take up as much storage. 

I am now at the end of my research and have learned so much. I learned how to stain slides using HE and EdU methods. I also learned how to do paraffin sectioning and cryosectioning. The lab tech also taught me how to do micro analysis on mice heads using a Micro-CT.

The most challenging part of this experience is my time management. I thought by now I would have gotten better at it but it is a slow process. I started working at my internship site later than most since I could not make an appointment for a mask fitting test. I also would feel overwhelmed by classes and would only works twice a week. I am very thankful that my internship site along with LHSI are understanding. Me being overwhelmed by my school work load was one of the main things that lead to the challenges. I will take advantage of the resources offered by IUPUI for my challenging courses. 

Causing Injury

An important part of the research is causing the injury.