CTSI Clinical Research Center Internship

" My name is Clarisa Rodriguez Reyes and I am majoring in Health Services Management. My career goals are focused on gaining great connections and mentors within the healthcare industry to expand on my knowledge on healthcare opportunities present. I have had previous healthcare experience as a CNA which has helped me learn more about the clinical aspect of healthcare. My internship site takes place within University Hospital under the Indiana CTSI Clinical Research Center organization that is established within the CRC unit. The CTSI Clinical Research Center is a collaboration effort focused on research and bringing forth healthcare issues for Indiana residents. Through my internship site, I will be able to learn both the administrative and nursing aspects of healthcare and understand how the two work in unison. Through my ePortfolio I hope to document my overall experience and knowledge gained as a result of the roles I will be in throughout the school year. "

Contact Info

Email: clarrodr@iu.edu

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