
Internship Goals

Learning Goal #1: How to critically read and understand scientific writing 

What tasks, responsibilities, projects, or activities will you do to meet this goal?

 1. reading 2-3 scientific papers a week and creating critical summaries

 2. using the references in the papers as more references to use

 3. reading important sections such as the abstract and discussions. 

Learning Goal #2: Creating a research question and testable hypothesis 

What tasks, responsibilities, projects, or activities will you do to meet this goal?

 1.Completing a thorough literature search to create a testable research question and hypothesis.

 2. Develop a research protocol which will allow us to test our research question and hypothesis. 

3. using academic resources to determine how to develop a research question 

Learning Goal #3: Understanding the different research methodologies used in our project. 

What tasks, responsibilities, projects, or activities will you do to meet this goal? 

1. Interacting with research staff to have protocol approved by institutional review board 

2. Screening and enrolling participants into research study.

 3. Getting a sense for the different projects to see which research project is more favorable 

Career Goals

My current academic goal for after undergrad is to get into either medical school or dental school. As classes get harder, I am keeping my options open to my goals for after undergrad. Through my connections I have made, the extracurriculars I am involved in, and my experiences, I feel like I have a good chance in getting into a professional school in the healthcare field.  

I am very motivated in getting into a professional school in the healthcare field. I have been working on my experiences and skills since my freshman year of high school. From my experiences, I have networked and made connections with important people who can help me with my career goals. I am very fortunate for my connections and help I have acquired. 

My career goals have not really changed since the start of LHSI, but I do think LHSI has strengthened my interest in the medical field. Working at my internship site showed me how interactions with patients works and has taught me how to confidently interact with them without being nervous and anxious. In order to get to my goal of going into medical school I need to focus on my coursework and maintain a good GPA while also being involved in other extracurriculars. 

For this summer I am going to continue to work as a CNA in a nursing home back in Fort Wayne. I enjoy working in this environment because I get to see the behind the scenes of patient care and it has deepened my interest in medicine. I am also going to continue to shadow different specialties in medicine so I can see how different physicians' work lives look like. 

I plan on applying for UROP to continue my research career in liver disease with Dr. Desai. I might apply for a different research study than what I am currently doing, so I will have been in four different studies under her supervision which is interesting to see the different research projects she has going on right now.

I feel pretty confident about the path I am headed in right now. I was a bit on edge about what path I wanted to go in - dental or medical- but I am pretty sure now I want to go down the medical path. I have seen so much in the medical field that I want to learn and see more.