
Picture of Carlos Gonzalez

Hello! My name is Carlos Gonzalez, and I am a sophomore Biology major at IUPUI. I am also attaining a Spanish minor, and I am on a pre-med track. As such, my career aspirations are to become a physician. Currently, I am interested in either Emergency Medicine or pursing an MD/PhD and going into research that involves clinical trials/immunology. In addition to being an LHSI intern, I am also a C105 recitation leader and a K103 recitation leader. I love teaching and helping students, especially with subjects that I am passionate about such as chemistry and biology, and I plan on using the soft-skills I develop through opportunities at IUPUI to assist me in my career as a physician.

Perhaps most pertinent to my career aspirations, I also work as a medical scribe at St. Francis Hospital in the emergency department. This has shown me what it is like in an emergency department and further inspired me to pursue medicine as a career choice.

I am also the coordinator of VIDA scribes at the Good News Ministries Clinic. The GNM organization provides free healthcare to underserved populations, and is composed entirely of volunteers. The scribes' main task is handling documentation for the physicians using an EMR.

This site serves as a reference for my internship with LHSI. Feel free to explore it and contact me with any questions/comments!

Contact Information

Email: gonzacaa@iu.edu

Cell: 317-480-2057