About Me

Hello! My name is Brevin Horvath, and I am a sophomore Biomedical Engineering student at IUPUI. I am on a pre-med track as I am considering medical or graduate school after graduating with my B.S. in BME.

My Strengths

One of my strengths as a team member is my open-mindedness. I believe anyone can contribute great ideas to a group project, and I am happy to hear them. By creating an environment where dialogue is flowing, brainstorming is more efficient and group members become more excited about contributing to the project.

My Experiences

My Volunteer and Professional History

I have always valued the importance of serving the community in meaningful ways. As an Eagle Scout, I have engaged in many service opportunities throughout high school and into college. One experience that solidified my love for service was when my Boy Scout troop volunteered to clean the local community after a large storm had knocked over trees and flooded people's homes. Seeing the joy and relief others expressed as we assisted them in this time of need was a memorable experience, which further motivated me to be actively engaged in community service.

Throughout my time volunteering, I have had the opportunity to learn many valuable skills that transferred into the workplace. Time management and teamwork are two qualities I quickly learned to integrate into my workflow. I was able to further develop these qualities as an employee of my local YMCA. By being a member of the lifeguard team and a swim instructor, I was also able to develop strong communication and leadership skills. I accrued experience with maintaining my required lifeguarding and CPR certification. This assisted me in completing my internship safety training modules, which were given in a similar format. My teamwork skills were also but into motion as I became a member of my internship lab.

These gained experiences from service in the community have manifested in both academic and professional success. I am prepared to use my acquired experiences to excel in any professional setting I encounter in the future.

Why BME?

So why did I choose to major in biomedical engineering? BME is a complicated degree that incorporates the use of health sciences and engineering to improve quality of life. I have always had an interest in working on medicine from an engineering perspective, and I believe this degree will train my mind to think in this way when approaching problems. Since BME courses focus on engineering from a biological perspective, I am learning more about human physiology. This will help me as I pursue further education to lead a future career in the healthcare and medical research fields.

Biomedical engineers are involved in the design process of prosthetic limbs and artificial organs.

Biomedical engineers also work to treat diseases on a molecular level using nanotechnology.