About Me

What A Good Team Member Means To Me:

A good team member is someone who is able to listen to all other group members and take their opinions/feelings/ ideas into account. A good team member is also organized, on time, respectful, and participates actively. I believe I am an organized, respectful, and understanding team member, however I tend to be shy so I hope to work on being a more active team member to make sure I effectively contribute to the group.

Junior Year At IUPUI:

I am currently almost halfway done with my junior year at IUPUI. I am pursuing a bachelors of science degree in neuroscience as well as a minor in psychology. I am working towards attending graduate school, most focused on medical school. I chose my major because I have passion for learning all things science, however I wanted to get a well rounded education within science, which my degree allows me to do. My course work includes various branches of the science world including biology, chemistry, and physics. Within this program I also get to choose elective courses that pertain to my major and this allows me to get to focus on subjects that I enjoy more so than others. After 2 years at IUPUI consistently learning more about the different branches of science, I can gladly say that I believe I chose the best major for myself and look forward to continue growing as a student scientist within my program.

My Experiences:

My first job was initially as a cashier at Dunkin Donuts, which later transitioned into a shift leader position. I am grateful that I began working young, at age 16, and that I adapted to work life at this company. I had the opportunity to work with almost all my friends from school, as well as my twin sister. While this situation of all high school friends working together, some in leadership positions, could've turned into a disaster, it was actually a great dynamic and environment. I developed people skills as a shift leader who had to deal with different issues at times, and gained leadership experience through the various responsibilities that came with the position. I also developed a strong sense of what it means to be part of a team and how a proper teamwork effort is done. As much as I enjoyed this job throughout high school, I definitely will never work in food service again, but will always take along with me the life lessons I gained from this first job experience.

My second job I got just before I turned 18 was at my local gym, Mei Fitness, which I still work at currently. This job has also taught me a lot about leadership but in a very different aspect. I work as a front desk associate who takes care of costumer service, membership sales, as well as general cleaning around the facility. During a shift only one person works at a time, so I had to learn leadership in the sense of needing to take care of any issues by myself in the moment. I also gained a better balance of time management skills, as I would have many things to get done in one shift, as well as further developing people skills. I tend to be quite shy, however, when I am at the gym I have learned to become more open and have conversations with all different people at the gym. This has helped me learn how to present myself to new people and allowed me to make many friendships that have lasted years. Although I don't plan to work in sales in my future career, I know the skills I have developed at this job will be applied to future opportunities to come.