About Me

Major: Biology B.S.

Concentration: Pre-Veterinarian 

My goal after my undergraduate education is to attend veterinary school. The biology major at IUPUI overlaps with most of the pre-requisites I need to complete before applying. This rigorous major will also prepare me for the science heavy courseload of veterinary school. 


I'm a strong team member for the following reasons:

After completing my internship my role as a team member has stayed consistent while I have simultaneously grown in many ways. As a motivated worker I was willing to complete whatever was asked of me and I learned how and when to take on more responsibilities. I also utilized my problem-solving skills I've developed from my previous jobs in this new setting. Problem solving looks very different in a lab compared to a veterinary office. I learned of the importance of group collaboration when problem solving. 

My Experiences & Skills

Jasper County Animal Shelter Volunteer

This was my first experience working with animals outside of my own. I fed and medicated the animals, maintained clean environment, and facilitated animal interactions. I also organized donations spay and neuter procedures donated to the shelter by a local veterinarian which is the picture to the right.

Pet Vets on the Go Companion Animal Veterinary Clinic

As I decided to pursue veterinary school, I knew I needed to shadow a veterinarian to see if it's something I'd enjoy. I had the opportunity to shadow a traveling companion animal veterinarian. I prepared the operation room for surgery, calculated dosages, operated computer system, communicate with clients, and restrained pets during examination. This shadowing opportunity went well, and I was offered a veterinary assistant position the summer of 2022.  I loved working in a clinic setting, especially watching surgeries. Some of the animals we worked with were intimidating and scary, but I learned how to safely approach new situations.

Indy Humane

When I moved to Indianapolis, I wanted to continue volunteering so I found Indy Humane society. I volunteered here on a weekly basis for two hours per week. I cleaned the cat living areas, spoke with costumers about characteristics of animals, and report medical or behavioral changes in animals

Stock Vets Livestock Veterinarian Shadowing Experience 

When I started researching veterinary schools, I saw they expect applicants to have a variety of experiences. I reached out to a livestock veterinarian to see if I could shadow. I watched a large variety of procedures from swine castration, kid horn removal, vaccination, and castration, examine microscope slide of goat feces, cosmetic steer horn removal, cattle flushing, and cattle in vitro fertilization.

Dawson and Daisy Boutique Brand Ambassador

I design social media posts to promote a clothing store on Instagram and increase brand engagement. This opportunity gave me experience in marketing that can be helpful if I work in a veterinary clinic. 

Phi Mu Fraternity Service Chairwoman 

I organize service events to promote volunteerism in the chapter and assist members in completing service hour requirement. This required me to communicate events with members and create a spreadsheet with service hours and report it to the executive committee for review. I also learned the responsibility of attending a weekly meeting that is not academically related. This position has been rewarding because I feel like I'm breaking the stereotype that sororities are self-centered and helping our chapter become involved in organizations larger than ourselves. My favorite event was at Second Helpings Hunger Relief Kitchen because we could see the tactile effect of our hard work. 

Phi Mu Fraternity Philanthropy Director

Phi Mu Fraternity has a long history of supporting Children's Miracle Network hospitals. The IUPUI chapter works closely with Riley's Children Hospital. We also support the Phi Mu Foundation As the philanthropy director I run committee meetings, plan fundrasining events, and try to promote philanthropic endeavors in our community. Our biggest event of the year is teeter totter a thon where a Phi Mu is on a teeter-totter for 36 hours raising money for Riley Children's Hospital.

Cru Weekly Meeting Student Coordinator

I'm involved in the campus ministry called Cru. I have taken a leadership position that helps organize the weekly meeting and I am also a part of a weekly bible study. This has grown my admiration skills of preparing events and evaluation to better our organization. This is also an outlet to relieve stress in my life and a place to engage in practices that make me feel my best.

Experiences Gained During this Internship and Schoolyear

Energy Creators/Energy Drainers activity

Energy Creators 

What gives you energy? What tasks or roles make you excited to go into work or do an activity? 

Energy Drainers

What reduces your energy? What tasks or roles leave you exhausted at the end of the day? 

Energy Creators / Drainers in my Future Career

As a veterinarian there are many aspects that are energy creators. It is a fast-paced job that is physically active. There are also opportunities to learn new skills and techniques while engaging with others to talk with clients or coworkers. There is also the opportunity to play with animals when they come into the office. There will always be draining parts of any job such as working through fear and handling large animals. It will also be emotionally draining making calls on an animal's life and helping the owner through putting an animal down. However, seeing the progress of a healing animal makes all the bad times worth it.