Ithaca School District 

Library Media center 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Does the Library Media Center charge fines for overdue books and materials?

Nope! We do not charge fines, but please bring back your books as soon as you are done reading them. This allows other students and staff to check them out. Books are due three weeks after you check them out. 

How do I suggest a book for the library to purchase? 

We love hearing suggestions for new books from our students, staff, and community. Please either come to the library to ask us in person, or send us an email. 

Please realize that we cannot buy every book that is recommended. If we do not buy it, we may be able to borrow it from the public library for you to read. 

What happens if I lose a book? 

Life happens. If you lose a book during the school year, let Mrs. Zorea or Mrs. Thompson know. You may not be able to check out as many books as normal while your book is lost. When you find the missing book, please bring it back to the library. If you cannot find it by the end of the school year, the school may send your family a bill to replace the missing book so that others can read it again.