Water Up!

Erasmus + KA2

Istituto Tecnico G.C. Falco Capua


“Water Up!”: the project kicks off!

“Water Up!” (code 2019-1-DE03-KA229-059546_4) is one of the Erasmus + KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices and Strategic Partnerships for school education – projects in which the Istituto Tecnico “G. C. Falco” is involved. We are a partner school in a team made up of 4 countries: Germany, Norway, Portugal and Italy.

Ludwig-Windthorst-Schule, Hannover, Germany, is the lead school. The project lasts two years and intends to raise the students’ awareness of plastic pollution in waters surrounding us, by doing research on the current situation, and by showing what we have done so far in our schools to address this issue. Also, one of the goals of the project is to find creative ways to tackle the problem of plastic waste and get the school and the local community to make their lifestyle more sustainable.