tOTALITARIANism - t.r.e.d.e.f.

Erasmus + KA2

Istituto Tecnico G.C. Falco Capua


“Totalitarian past and democratic present in Europe: lessons for our future”:

the project kicks off!

“Totalitarian past and democratic present in Europe: lessons for our future” (code 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062430_5) is one of the Erasmus + KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices and Strategic Partnerships for school education – projects in which the Istituto Tecnico “G. C. Falco” is involved. We are a partner school in a team made up of 5 countries: Greece, Spain, Poland, Romania and Italy.

Peiramatikò Lykeio Thessalonìkis “Manòlis Andrònikos”, Thessaloniki, Greece, is the lead school. The project lasts two years and focuses on the political phenomenon of totalitarianism with the aim of helping students and teachers analyse and discover the causes that led to totalitarian regimes in different countries of Europe, the impact that totalitarianism had on public and individual life, the mechanism of propaganda and the resistance by ordinary people and organizations.