the orders

This lesson, created by Kahn Academy, explains the three main classical orders: Doric, Ionic and Corinthian

The two speakers, Dr. Zucker and Beth Harris, speak quite fast; nevertheless the multimodality (contents are vehiculated via different media, still and moving image, written terms, diagrams, plants, audio) will help you in comprehension.

Watch and listen carefully to the video, activating English transcription.

Here you have the transcription of the video.

Activity 1)

Read it with your mate and underline all the architectural terms.

Write the terms on your notepad and try to give a definition. Once we will have discussed definitions together, we will upload our glossary

activity 2)

copy all the verbs related to action of projecting, building and scultping

copy al the adjectives used to describe the three orders

The Classical Orders - Transcription

something got to give...

(optional activity)

we used a video freely accessible on the web.

The Italian transcription is not available at the moment.

As we worked a lot on the comprehension, why don't we translate the English transcription in order to upload it on youtube?